Monday, January 31, 2011


Chinese New Year is coming up February 3rd. After doing a facetrade for my shop, I decided to loiter around the nearby Asian mall. I don't live particularly close to the area, and took advantage of the opportunity.

I took a lot of pictures on Saturday, but I had to resist blogging until after I finished my exams ;___;
They had a bunch of booths set up on the main floor. I think in Chinese, it's called 行年宵 (haang neen siu). They were selling lanterns, food, accessories, EVERYTHING! You know that wooden puzzle thing on the bottom right? I used to play with those puzzles, but I got lazy "orz

My mom was flipping through a magazine at the dining room table. She turned to page that showed graceful models strutting down the runway for Prada. I noticed that they had brightly coloured tails pinned to their waists, haha!

I stepped away from the hectic booths, and walked into Daiso. It occurred to me that most Asian families have the above ( = A = );; In my room, there are two ghetto ass stools, and two pairs of slippers.

After deciding that I REALLY didn't want to go home and study, I checked out some sections of Daiso that I don't normally visit. I ended up finding that odd double headed tooth brush... I want to buy it now "orz For the lazy bastards who are only willing to spend 40 seconds brushing their teeth.

After I left the Asian mall, I went to Oakridge. When I first stepped in, I spotted a tea bar. These things have been increasingly popular! I smell happy hipsters, and a happy dad. I like going inside of these bars just because they look so dainty :)

DID I MENTION I GOT A DS?! I'll post more pictures tomorrow. I want to edit them, so they aren't super large files~


Friday, January 28, 2011

Engrish Exam

IT'S A COYOTE TAIL LOLLOLOL! There's a trend going on in Japan where girls carry around fox tails (しっぽ)as an accessory. I figured that the coyote tail would be cheaper, so I bought that instead. It's really fluffy~ A girl from school said it was kind of scary, because it was from a real animal.  Before you tree hugging bastards tell me this is wrong, I LOVE ANIMALS! I just happen to like them best hanging off of my jeans.

My hormones are raging, and as you know, I feel pretty down at the moment. During these moment of sadness, anger, whatever it may be, most people go in search of a friend for a shoulder to lean on. However, when I try and start a convo with my buddy, she just gives me the "cool story, bro". Mind you, this is over MSN, which means there may very well be no rude intentions behind the words. Regardless, she knows I'm down BECAUSE I feel like a shut out. She isn't the type of person who enjoys conversing, but those words are seriously one of the last things I want to hear. Sorry for being over sensitive, but I'm hurt. If you're busy with homework, just tell me. If you're too busy on tumblr to hear me vent, tell me. If you find me annoying, just fucking tell me, because now I just feel severely shut down. I have fewer close friends than the fingers I have on my right hand, so pick and chose the words you use. Your condescending, selfish attitude is not something I have to put up with.

ON A DIFFERENT NOTE. Check out ↓ It's a tegaki type website.
Everything is so pretty.

"Highlights" of my day
Oh lord. I didn't finish writing my English essay for the exam today ;____; Oh well. I don't really care about exams. They just seem like over hyped tests to me, which sounds like the perfect description. Crossing my fingers for a B+

Thanks to the toddler and newborn baby downstairs, I haven't been getting enough sleep. To be honest, I don't want kids when I grow up. I hardly enjoy my own company, never mind that of a child.


Sunday, January 23, 2011


We grow up being told that we are special, but we can't all be special.

You think you're special
and you refuse to conform.
No pop music or fashion trends.
You aren't the norm.
Nobody else is like you
and you are special.

You think you're so special.
but your reflection tells no lies.
A reflection of someone who loves
to despise.
A reflection of not you
but of famous

You are McDonald's newest product.
A chemically engineered thing
that looks kinda different,
but really, there are millions just like you.

Felling lazy

Friday, January 21, 2011

SLRs Are Trendy Accesories

It's some of the bulkiest shit you'll see,
but everybody wants one.

When I was 9, I envied the Korean girl who had this nice pink digital camera. It was something my family couldn't afford to buy at the time, so I used a crappy film camera instead. Soon after, I got a camcorder, but the highest resolution on it was a joke; 240p. Last year, I finally got my hands on a nice little digital camera. Is it the best thing ever? No, but it's a 1/4 the size of my camcorder and half the price. Did I mention in films in 720p? Technology has clearly advanced, and become more accessible. Things once seen as luxuries are now common house hold items.

For some, the compact digi-cam just isn't enough. While sitting through an English class, I listened to my classmates as they chatter about wanting to get an SLR. In math class, I hear about how one of my classmates got an SLR for Christmas! These chunky cams are becoming increasingly popular, but are they really necessary? It seems nice to have, but your reason is "Just because" it seems like quite a waste of money.

Kudos to you if you love photography! But I feel like a lot of people just want the camera, because they want to become like photographers of image the see on tumblr . . . so they can take really good pictures of bread? I don't know.

Don't get me wrong, I would like to get one myself. The thing is, I wouldn't buy one unless I felt I truly needed it. If there was an SLR in my possession, I simply wouldn't get my money's worth out of it! The reason I enjoy my compact digi is because I am able to take snap shots throughout my day. If I wanted to capture moments, I'd be fine with all of the resources I have right now. I'd rather be living the moment instead of fumbling with a giant piece of technology.

Cost wise?

Lenses > Camera body

LOL! It's like buying toner for your printer, bro. IT'S LIKE HAVING A BABY! You have to pay more to support it than to get it.

If you have an SLR or any camera in general, please to be embarrassed of your child! I don't understand why people are embarrassed to take photos in public. I OCD when people waste money (but I waste a lot) "orz

Sorry for rambling


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Snow/More choices

I woke up, and stumbled over to the washroom as I do every morning. After the tedious job of brushing my teeth, and washing my face, I returned to my room where I got dressed. While listening to my favourite morning radio station.

".... snow fall outside in the lower mainland right now..."

WHAT?! It was snowing pretty hard today. How disappointing. I don't care how pretty you think this stuff is, it's the biggest pain to walk through!

Anyhow, I think I failed my math test yesterday. Let put it this way, I don't know any vocab, concepts, or what it is that this chapter covers. The only thing I know is that it's hard, and I don't want to get out of my way to study it. Normally math comes to me pretty easy, but whatever it is that I'm learning right now, just doesn't make a lick of sense. My math grades are dropping significantly; I think I'm at 68% if not lower.

What is math good for? I don't know what you want to be when you grow up, but I don't think I'll be looking at numbers too much in my future. It's a fact that very few students will actually utilise some square root bullshit where you have to substitute x with adjgkla'jgkajfklg FUUUCK. Seriously. When I sit through a year of math class, all I see is same shit, different colours. Once you get to a grade 5 level math, I think you're done.

In that retrospect, a lot of school is simply a big waste of time. A person, like myself, can use that 85 minutes worth of time to something that they are actually passionate about. Why do we have to look at numbers all day? Let's face it, most of us won't even remember 80% of the crap we learned today (unless you actually enjoy your studies).

One of my math teachers once told my class himself, "You don't actually need most of the stuff you learn in class, it's so you can learn how to comprehend".

I think there are too many required courses. I think students should have more power when in comes to choosing what courses to take. If students had the choice to pick exactly what courses they wanted to take, then maybe they would be able to get out of school faster. However, I don't know what effects this would have on high schools and the employment of teachers. It's obvious that some required courses at the moment are more popular than others. Would teachers lose their jobs from this?

Required courses allow students to have a sample of what occupation they might want to pursue in the future, but it seems somewhat unfair for those who are very decided. I suppose it good to be a "well rounded person", but think about it as a MMORPG. You want your stats to be precise so you can have the maximum power. Sure, that fireball skill can come in handy, but you're not gonna use it often if it's only lvl.1.

"It snowed" ----> "Schools need to change"

Okay. later.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Who am I?

Oh man... puberty is a bitch. I'm so confused right now . . . so confused and sad.

I wish I could be their only exception, the way they are mine.

Together I wish we could be,
but if that were so my mom would disown me.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

It's funny

how we change ourselves so much without knowing it. The minor tweaks we make so that maybe, just maybe, we can catch the attention of someone we love. Play a game that we'd normally never even think of. Listen to music that we'd normally hate. Wear clothes that is nothing like our self.

It's funny how we change like the seasons with each new supposed "love". But what if it was always winter, and we never changed?

I feel like my words are hidden in permafrost. Even in this bitter cold, I hope spring never comes to take away my sweet melancholy.

If you get to know me, you'll find that you can read all of my emotions off of my face. My natural expression often looks like I'm about to cry, because I'm on the verge off bawling.

学校でいる時に私が寂しすぎる(〒 ∩ 〒);;

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 7 (I quit)// Premium Quality BJ

It was a good run B| Just kidding. This isn't a very fun thing to do . . . I feel like a lot of them are just people in your life. and I don't want people to know me through one tag thing, and I don't want readers to know that much about people in my family . . . LOL kinda private, and kinda stupid that I started . . . and even more stupid that I would rather document my life "orz
I'm thinking about bleaching my hair, and going lighter. During winter break, I considered picking up a box of Palty hair dye, which is a Japanese brand,and since it's an Asian brand, it's more suitable to Asian hair (some people claim). If you live in Canada, you can pick it up at most T&T Supermarkets/Osaka Markets, or at any local Asian malls.

I had to do a trade for my facebook shop this weekend, but I was 20 minutes early. I decided to drop by the nearby mall to kill some time.

After grabbing a milk tea boba in the freezing cold, I decided to have a second look at the hair products in Osaka Market. Palty usually sells for about $14, but it was one sale for $9.99! Thank goodness I waited. At first, I wasn't sure if all the colours of dye were on sale, because the sign was very specific about the colours juicy peach and caramel brown being on sale. Those colours were both very orange-y, and I wanted to go more ash tone.


My current hair colour I is similar to the second heart ATM. After cutting off so much of my hair, I feel like I might as well botch it now by bleaching it before I dye it before I dye it.

My skin colour seems slightly tan, so this might look really bad. Did I mention the bleach I picked up was one sale too? Also $9.99 LOLOL! VANCOUVERITES, IF YOU WANT PALTY HAIR DYE, HIT OSAKA MARKET IN RICHMOND NOOOOW ... I don't actually know if they still have the sale going on right now, but it's worth checking out right? you can always grab some yummy food nearby if the sale is over.

Speaking of sales, Oakridge is having a sidewalk sale right now. I didn't catch anything I liked though. It was either still expensive, or more suitable for my see lai mom. But if you're a honger guy and you have a honger budget, go check out J2. You will be enlightened by the variety of less American fashion...? (v x △ x)

My mom didn't have work today, which I why my ass happened to be at Oakridge. I hate shopping there, because everything feels too expensive ;___; I basically only went to Zellers, because I had to get a scientific calculator. Can you believe that I've already broke two during my high school career? I'm gonna be so poor when I have to use a graphing calculatooooor. Gonna break one every other month.

I couldn't help but wonder why the calculator I bought today cost so much more than the one I broke. Then I realised . . . the manual practically a whole cm thick. Who even reads manuals anymore. Everybody just picks shit up, and start to use it.

That's a freaking joke . . .

Zellers carries manga. WTF and it's so cheap. I didn't get
any, because I'm trying not to buy any for $5+

No shit it's premium. They probably aren't
good any other way!

Here's a picture of my face, cause I know you'll freaking love it. Could have used more photoshop. Note: does not offer premium quality BJs


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6 (I would trade places with . . . )

I would trade places with a baby. Sure, as a baby I can't talk, walk, or even wipe my own ass without somebody's help, but life would be so blissful. If I were a baby, I wouldn't have to worry about school, or where my future was going. My family situation, regardless of how tragic, I wouldn't greatly affect me. Although I wouldn't want to do life over again, it would be nice to get all those hugs and kisses again.


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5 (Favourite memory)

[insert picture]

I took a really long nap ;____; I'll post day 5 tomorrow . . . . this is kinda like cheating, but I just got back into school, and I want to kill myself. Sorry guys!

-lazy bum


I actually don't have a photo of a favourite memory far into my childhood (mainly because I enjoyed living the moment). However, I have a photo from my English class.

After winter break, it was clear that my English class would now be taught by a new teacher. Nobody knew what to expect, other than a young man named Mr. P. Luckily for us, he's not old and crazy. He set up an iPad and a projector in our classroom, so it kinda looks like a bloody conference room.

First thing we did in class was fill out an icebreaker sheet. The typical "What can you do, not do, good at, etc." After filling out the form, Mr. P. called on each student asking them to read several facts. However, if you say "umm" it counts to one minute of detention for the whole class. And if you aren't specific with your answer, he will pick on you.

He asked one student "What can you do?"
"Play World of Warcraft."
"What's your user?"
".... guialo"
"Okay. And what race is that?"
"...Blood elf"
"Alright! Guailo the blood elf. "

"Guailo blood elf?" You may be wondering.

If you are fortunate enough to speak Cantonese, you know that gaui lo is a very casual way of saying foreigner in Chinese. Specifically Caucasians.

Gauilo is a newb though, so he can't help you.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4 (Can't live without...)

That's a picture of one out of the four piggy banks (which is not a pig) that can be found in my FORTRESS OF LOSERTUDE! Inside that tube, you'll find what this teen can't live without; Money.

The saying goes that money can't buy you happiness, but I disagree. Money TEMPORARY happiness, and if you make that joy last with a load of cash, you might as well call the feeling permanent.

Think about it this way: If you have no clothes on your back, no roof, and no food, are you going to be happy? I don't give two shits if I have all the friends and family on the world to support me emotionally during a financial struggle. With no money for resources, I WILL DIE! The rich bastard chilling in his mansion eating dinky little cocktail weenies may have no friends, but he can at least live another day to make connections. My starving ass won't even be able to make it to an job interview.

Almost everything today is given a value equivalent to some form of currency. Good will is not going to get you a home.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3 (My favourite show)

I don't watch that much TV, but I love me some Law & Order after school  ○ ω ○;;

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2 (A best friend)

This is my bbycakes(SL). We've been friends since we were five, and IT HAS BEEN GRAND. She's the girl I go to whenever I have issues to vent out on, and she does the same.

Up until we were in grade three, we both attended the same elementary school. As luck had it, she eventually moved away. I tried to stay in touch with her by calling, but she was so busy with homework to the point in which she rarely replied.

After entering high school, we began to hand out at the mall during days we had off school. During these days, we catch up on each others' lives, and goof off by vandalizing public property . . . kinda.

Anyhow, love this girl!


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Day 1 (15 facts about me)

This is a photo of me.... this caption was necessary.

I thought I would expand on the 15 facts, because it doesn't seem very fulfilling to just give 15 facts >__>
1. I often feel alone

FYI, I'm an only child. You can imagine how lonely it feels to be alone at home most of your life. Although, you might be thinking "Couldn't you just hang out with your friends." I do that, but they are not always available for a hangout at the mall. Now that I am at high school, I no longer have the close friends that I bonded so closely with from elementary. Most of my new friends share 0 common interests with me . . . from that, a lot of my lunch hour is spend TRYING to understand what the hell people are talking about, or doing homework.

2. My favourite colour is pink.
It wasn't my first favourite colour. I went through liking the colours blue, green, and red before coming to pink. The previous colours that I once liked were the colours of teams on this game show called Uh Oh. The team that won quickly became my new favourite colour. To be honest, I don't actually recall how pink came about, but it's been my favourite colour since I was eight years old

3. I just had a bag of chips, and I feel REALLY full "orz


5. I used to dream of becoming a singer. I soon realised that was some big bullshit.
Growing up, I idolized Hillary Duff like so many other girls my age at the time. From that, dreams of becoming and idol flourished in my mind. Being in the poor family that I lived in, I quickly decided that pursue a more stable occupation.

6. When I was 10, I took mental math classes. I'm still very bad at math.
I don't recall what madness came over me that caused me to agree to taking those classes, but I did. It was easily one of the biggest wastes of time I'd ever had. However, I did meet a lot of friendly people. Lucky me . . . I don't remember most of their names, nor do I have their contact info.

7. It bugs me when people don't recognize me.
It doesn't matter what city you live in. If you go around enough, you're bound to bump into people that you've been acquainted with before. Happens all the time with me, but 80% of the time, they have no recollection of who I am. Mind you, my style is always changing, so I might be hard to catch. But sometimes people don't remember me even after a long explanation of where we met, time we've spent together, etc.
Makes me feel very insignificant. LOL... Guess I didn't make an impression.

8. I love big jewelery.
I don't like small dainty things. especially when it comes to necklaces. It's nice to have a couple of those pieces at hand, but I look at accessorizing with an all or nothing approach. With that being said, I would never put on too many accessories.

9. Japanese fashion mags > Western Style mags
Japanese mags always have a more colourful and fun look, where as western mags seem like casual textbooks. Excuse me for being a child, but I NEED COLOUR IN MY BOOKS.

10. My childhood was bigger bullshit that my childhood dreams.

11. I have eczema
It's a skin condition, so I almost always have really dry skin. Don't google it if you're squeamish. Sometimes eczema can get really bad ;____; (boils, cracks, etc) Apparently tea tree oil helps.

12. Wish I could have a cup of coffee every morning
I feel really sluggish in the morning. This often leads to a low attention span, and very bad hearing. It's so bad but SO GOOD.

13. Self conscience

14. I spend a lot of money on makeup, clothes, and food.
THE LIFE OF A TEEN >D No bills to pay yet, so I spend it on everything else. Most of my paycheck probably goes straight back to the company I work for "orz I'm not very good with makeup or fashion, but it's fun to shop for, yenno? . . . ROLL ONE UP, HOMIE.

15. I almost never make my bed >___>;;
PK is a lazy girl. HURRHURR The only occassions I do make it are when I know there will be guests coming over. Even then, I only do it last minute.