Friday, March 26, 2010

People are attracted to shiz

Not literally . . . or at least I don't hope so; Hopefully people aren't attracted to smelly turds. By 'shiz", I meant drama. Whether it be hearing about it, being part of it, or "solving the situation", you usually want a piece of it. I've personally given up on trying to pry into the minds of my friends. Maybe I'm better off not knowing every mildly intriguing detail of their life.


A couple of days ago, I found that my Genius Tablet wasn't working. After testing the pen AND the mouse, I figured that something must have been wrong. "Maybe I have to refresh my computer", but that did nothing. Later, I guessed that some files had been deleted while cleaning out a virus, but reinstalling the program did nothing.

My computer detected the tablet. So, what was the problem?

I took the mouse that came with my tablet, and teared off the battery cover. Battery acid Q___Q That's when I realized it was a battery problem. I went to a nearby mall to pick some up. MY TABLET LIVES :D

Remember that "crazy bitch" look I mention some time ago, It still haunts me at the mall T____T HELL! IT HAUNTS ME IN THE WASHROOM MIRROR. Sometimes I wish my eyes were a different shape. Not so slanty :B


FLAMING B*ITCH TITS! D: Everyone wasn't feeling well. Everyone: Ash and Sern. Buttercup doesn't count. Ash called me when I was at the mall and said that she wasn't feeling well. Mother nature brought her gift, yenno? I'm guessing that she was cramping up, or something. When I get home from the mall, I contact Serena over MSN

Me: Do you still want to go to badminton
Sern: I don't want to walk
Me: My mom said she can drive
Sern: I think I ate something wrong
Me: So . . . I'll take that as a no.

EXCUSES (this seems like an okay transition >___>;; )

I never noticed that this bugged me: Excuses. We're all guilty of using them, but I think it's time that I started using them less often. By using them, your basically say "This isn't my fault". People who use excuses often are prone to getting poor grades (or they don't reach their full potential). Last year, I absolutely hated socials. I thought that the teacher wasn't fair BLAH BLAH BLAH, but that was before realized what poor effort I had put into this class.

Random: I can't help but stare at this old battery, and expect it to explode.

Many lessons can be learned through experiences in school, but many are taught directly through teachers. The one moral that I have stapled in my head comes from my science teacher, Mr. Jung. "You can't change other people, you can only change your perspective of them". I agree with this, but I am just too darn stubborn at times.
I've learned a fair number of life lessons, but they render useless unless practiced daily.


•10:30 - Dentists appointment (so tedious to have braces)
•12:00 - Get home and eat something . . . lunch
•12:30 - go to Ash's house
•1:00 - Arrive at DPCC

I want to go to the mall after that, but I'll probably feel to tired to move T_______T That, and the mall is usually raided with teenagers on Saturdays. I don't want to be part of that anymore.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


It finally came in! I just have to charge it and all that jazz.
Unfortunately, the spare battery it came with doesn't charge. Basically, it's USELESS. Not only that, but the wrist strap was missing. I contacted the seller, and their going to send them over :D I'm so impressed by this seller (From Ebay: dcempire)

Dear Buyer,

Thanks for your reply!

We are very sorry for heating the problem.

An extra OEM Battery and 2 colored Hand Strap will be arranged to you.

Also, we will arrange a LENS CLEANING PEN as a free gift to you.

You can track and trace the shipment by using the information below:

The tracking number is: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

If there is a delay, you can also contact the Post Office for assistance.

Please give us a 5-star positive feedback.

Our auto-selling system will also give you feedback once you leave us a good feedback!

Thanks for your kind attention.

Enjoy shopping in DC Empire!

Best Regards,

DC Empire Co."

I have no idea what a lens cleaning pen is, but it sounds nifty.

Guess what else came in today.
My report card. I only got 3 As, an obvious disappointment for my mom. She doesn't even bother to acknowledge the fact that I have the top mark in my science class, not that she can read English, but everything that spews out of her mouth during report card week runs along the lines of "Only 3As? You need to try harder. You're being lazy."

Oddly, my average mark only dropped by maybe 1-2%. I thought it would be a lot lower for some reason

Term one average:


Term 2


I clearly didn't do my best this term. The only things that kept my average relatively high were:
a) Science (95%)
b) Textiles (also 95%)

BTW, I could have gotten principals list last term. I used bad fabric for text. It brought my mark down to 76%!

Guess what she called me.

I was walking home from school with my friends Anita and Vania. Suddenly, I see Anil's sister walk around the corner. I don't know why I don't remember her walking home in my direction . . . ANYWAYS, she goes all crazy bitch tits on me, faces me, and says to her friends, "Look, it's the girl who looks like a nammer." She continues walking and says, "Piece of shit".

ME? NAMMER*?! PIECE OF SHIT?! Okay, maybe, BUT WAS SHE TALKING ABOUT HERSELF?! Do not tell me that I look like a nammer when you are the EXACT image of a nammer (but not vietamese). Drives me up the wall. I know that it's bad at times to judge things based on first impression, she seems to be the type of person who tries to impress by putting others down. The type of person who walk around with their posse, and attack meek little loners by the pack.

About those people, you guys don't look that cool from the side lines. Trust me; I used to be a bully. Yes, that's what you are when you gang up on somebody, a bully. From the sidelines, you don't see one frightened person, you can see TWO. The bullied and the bully.

Bullied: Too chicken to speak up.
Bully: Too chicken to speak up by themselves.

Anybody else smell ego inflation?

*Nammer: I only have something against the really cocky and loud ones. The ones who thing they're so gangster, and can't speak without swearing.

I'm still debating over whether or not I should be surpirsed by the fact that she threw such a rude comment at me. I can almost guarantee that whenever my name comes up in one of her conversations, she (and her brother) probably throw in some comment about how I think "I'm all that.", or they say "She's a chicken shit".

Somebody clearly knows how to hold a grudge. Ever heard of forgive and forget? If not, ever heard of just forgetting? Geez. Grow up, dude! It's almost been half a year, and you're are still being rude about it. Let's all grow some imaginary balls, mkay? :D and take this situation like a man . . . a very intellectual man . . . or hermaphrodite. Yenno, whatever works. No more crazybitchtits plz

Much love

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Where's ma Casio?!

BAWW! Why do delivery services always come so darn early in the morning?! My camera was brought to my house at roughly 10:45am today, but obviously, I was at school and my family was at work. Luckily, FedEx is going to swing by again tomorrow (preferably AFTER 3:00). Asides from the tragedy of not getting my package, I got dinged for customs T____T $20.82.

Seriously can't wait for it to come in, because I want to see how the video function works. IT RECORDS IN 720p :D That's WAAAAAAY better than what I have at the moment, which is the Canon MV940 (records in 320p?). Now all I need is something that records in 1080p =3= All my dreams will be answered. Well . . . with 1080p and a job.


much love,

Monday, March 22, 2010

Hey big spender

I probably shouldn't be blogging right now, so I'll try to do this quick.

As I've said before, I want a job. No McDonald's seem to be hiring, and it seems like such a hassle to apply online. I'll do it, but I wish I could just hand in my resume D: I remember Buttercup saying that he did that, but I didn't get the chance, seeing as how no branch needed extra staff. I've been blowing all my money on clothes, shoes, and other stuff.

Remember those shoes I wanted from XXI? One pair doesn't fit, and I don't know if I can return it in store. I hope I can, because I don't want to waste money shipping it back to Ontario.

NOTE TO SELF: Buy flats and heels in size 6

Purolator kinda sucks. I checked the tracking thing on their website, and it said they tried to deliver my order, buy nobody was home. 5:16? I was home . . . with my mom. I'm pretty sure one of us would of heard knocking on the door. I was home since I got back from school, and I didn't hear ANYTHING. I thought they were supposed to leave a slip/notification as to where you're supposed to pick it up, once again, nothing. I had to call in, something I hate doing. Calling a company is something I can't stand.



I seriously messed up my textiles project today. I was supposed to serge the outer leg seam, but it got caught blah blah blah. Point is, I messed it up. Because of this, I had to bring it in 1cm on each side. And yenno what? It turned out to be a good thing, because the pants had a better fit afterwards C:

Okay, so the happy dies, because I have no idea where my socials text book is! I am not paying the school $80 seeing as how I've already dished over $7 for some sheet music I "lost". UGH! This is ridiculous. I'm just so used to getting free music that's printed out on recycled paper (didn't cost me a penny). Unfortunately, that was back in elementary. Now I'm in high school, and school fees are BLARGH.

I convinced my mom to get me a camera! YAY! I can stop using my Canon MV940! . . . I'll have to wait for it to come in through the mail first D: I got the Casio Exilim EX-s12. This has tempted me to buy a new SD card, and an extra battery. Why? I'm very paranoid about now having enought memory space, or battery life. VERY essential when worling in public >___>;;

Asides from the tech stuff, I went ahead and bought a bunch of rhinestones so that I can bling out my gadgets later. This also means that super glue will be needed. If I'm lucky, It doesn't cost too much.

Okay! I spend way to much time on this.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pet Peeves/I'll take the hot one

I had leadership today, and started discussing conflict (we're going to have to finish up next class, because there wasn't enough time). One of the activities we had to do, was to write down pet peeves, and how you would react to these things/situations. There were two groups, and I felt blatantly offended whenever I over heard a pet peeve that I was guilty of doing.

One of these PP included wearing coloured cons. I occasionally where them, which still means I WEAR THEM. I don't think that there anything wrong with wearing coloured cons, but I think certain cons look odd.

Another one which I felt attacked by: Wearing lots of makeup. I wear make up almost everyday (with the exception of days when I don't leave the house). Asides from foundation, I do the whole shebang every morning. I think there's a difference between wearing lots of makeup, and wearing lots of cake-y/matte makeup. What's even worse is when you can see a whitish film on a persons' face. I would like to try wearing less makeup, but I tried one day, and I got The Comment: Your eyes look smaller.
Okay. So it wasn't said, but it was definitely implied.

Certain members also claimed to dislike people who dress up for school. This, I did not feel offended by. I don't dress up, and my closet consists of pieces from the sales bin. I would rather have people putting on a fashion show than have students dress like strippers. I cannot stand seeing girls with their stomachs exposed to the public. That look desperately screams skank. Sorry, girls. The exposed stomach look just isn't that attractive, and probably would get you the WRONG type of attention.

One of my personal pet peeves: People who whine about work that is assigned. I hope I didn't offend Tyler, because he's guilty of whining D:
I feel like these people slow the class down with all their chattering. Okay! So we have to do 50 questions! Just shut up, sit down, and get your pencil on the paper. You'd think these people would have learned by the 9258971895 time, that whining usually won't convince your teacher or boss ANYTHING. So just suck it up, Buttercup, and get to work. Am I talking about somebody in specific? Yes, but I don't think I need to put down any names for my fellow classmates to know who.


I think there should be boundaries as to how thin and how arched ones eyebrows should be. I think super thin eyebrows make people look like hookers (for the majority. Special people can pull it off . . . yet to see it.) By "super thin" I mean it looks as if they took a ball point pen, and painted it on with a SINGLE stroke. Not hot, ladies.
Even now, I still worry if my eyebrows I too thin or arched. Highly raised/arched brows aren't hot either. They make you look:
a) Angry
b) Surprised
c) like a psychopath (especially when you smile)

Men aren't the only shallow ones

I don't know where it came from, but most people say that men are the shallow ones between the two genders. I disagree. Men are the OPENLY shallow ones between the two genders. Just because humans are advanced creatures blah blah blah, it doesn't mean that we aren't still animals. Most, if not all, people will judge others based on looks; It's hardwired into our heads. Only after a pretty face will most people decide to know another person better in order to pursue a relationship. It seems rather scripted to hear people say that they want personality over good looks. Let's be honest, how likely are you to have interest in someones personality with nothing to judge upon? Not likely at all. I guess we just assume nice face = nice personality, eh?

This fueled the last little section.

much love

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I've been waking up at 8'o'clock for the past few day! I'm supposed to leave the house at 8:10. Luckily for my, my mom drove me :D Shall we get started with my less than exciting day?


BAww.. I was late for class. The class was covering some info on asexual reproduction, which was NOT fun. It could have been, but I was way to tired to actually enjoy the class. I thought I was going to fall out of my chair ANY moment. In my head, I believed that it was a simple matter of time before drool began to stream out of my mouth. I think I missed home work check, because Mrs. K. didn't look at anything


Lucky for for me, I stayed up last night working on the map that was handed out in the package. I had no intentions of doing it, but I remembered Anita uttering something about stuff being due yesterday. It was written in my agenda, so the final plan was to finish this homework . . . regardless of how much I want to sleep. I did that while watching ep. 4 of 1 Liter of Tears.
Another assignment that was to be completed after spring break was an invention. I just made earmuff headphones. I literally cut holes on the bottom of earmuffs, and shoved ear buds ups the slits. I'll try and get you a picture of all the inventions from my class by tomorrow. I got myself 86%, which was good enough. I suppose Mrs. Bisaro was feeling generous, because

she asked us: What do you think you should get?
student: 90%?
Mrs. B: Okay. *writes down in mark book*

There were a lot of interesting inventions, including the drilling shoe that Anita and Suzanna came up with. (Imaging a running shoe, with 3 drills going down the sole). Indeed, they were impressive, but what was more impressive were the FAILURES. Gurpreet came up with this . . . plow type thing. What he did was take a remote control car, attach a dust pan to the front and add a LOT of construction paper over it.

It's just a model. Doesn't have to be beautiful or anything. is what went through my head.

After several students had presented their projects, Liang noticed something about Gurpreet's invention.

Liang: Look. There's dust.
Gurpreet: Huh? What dust?
Me: Dude, that's smoke!

I guess something was burning up inside his remote control car, because it stunk of the ENTIRE room. >_____> UGH. Somebody said it smelled like popcorn; I don't know what kidna popcorn they're eating.


Mandy brought a Subway sandwich, half of which consisted of lettuce. She took it all out, because she said that there were bugs on it, or something like that. I took her lettuce, because I feel as if I'm not getting enough vegis in my diet.


We started our soccer unit. Yay. Fun :|
Our teacher decided she should do a run through on how to receive passes before carrying on with class.

Ms. P. : Does anybody know how to receive a pass with their thigh?
Athea: Open the gate*!
P. : If yo do that, you're setting yourself up for a WORLD of pain.

* Opening the gate consists of bringing your leg up at a 90 degree angle, and having your knee bent at 90. You then bring your bent leg out to one side.

After school, I wanted a cell phone. Mom got me one.

Nokia 2720. It's okay. It functions, and I didn't pay a penny for the phone.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Back to school

I should probably be doing my homework right now, but you know me; I'm a "rebel" B) I fixed up my computer last night, and now it's VIRUS FREE :D Or at least I don't get this pop-up thing coming up every 3 minutes. I think it's about time I back up some of the files in my "Picture" folder. It is OVERLOADED.

UGH! I spent so much money over spring break. I bought 1 sweater, 2 pairs of tights, two cardigans, 2 necklaces, 3 tshirts and 3 pairs of shoes (the ones that I wanted from forever21 in a previous post). DARN YOU, AWESOME FANTASTICAL SALES D< MAKING ME WANT TO BUY EVERYTHING. I was going to buy more shoes, but then I would be messed up C: If you're Canadian, you know that Ardene sells shoes (that are kinda low quality) and super low prices. I went to their outlet store, and EVERYTHING was 50% of. I wanted to get some shoes, but I was just too tired to try more things on. I'm debating as to whether I should get some new sandals, high top sneakers, or whatever else they have no offer. If only I had a job. OKAY. If Ash is reading this, I know you said that I have to take initiative in order to get a job. I totally agree! In fact, I was going to apply today, but then I remembered that I had homeowork to finish. Not to mention the fact that my computer was a total BUST yesterday. I'll try and apply for a job VERY SOON!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


What better way to spend the last of spring break than by getting a virus on your computer! YAAAY :| Fudge me. Gorsh darn it! My night has been ruined. I spent to longest time trying to DL the anti-malware. Trust me when I say: NOT FUN.

Which virus do I have? Just search up XP Internet Security
It's like a fake aniti-virus type thing.

That's all for now.
G'night, fellow prisoners.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

What a drag (Amershley ft. Darius?)

For the past couple of months (I think), Darius has been inviting me to go to some book store with him. I insisted that he just told me where the store was, but he refused to tell me the location. After running out of excuses to not go, I told him yes.

If you are reading this, please do not take offense. It's because you have a penor, and my mother doesn't like that.

Darius said that I could invite my friends, so I asked that Ash and Sern come along. On the way to the SkyTrain, I saw this old man running . . . very awkwardly. I know it sounds mean, but how do you NOT laugh in this type of situation?! Sern took advantage of this, and said I was an a-hole. Thanks, man >___>
We were supposed to meet at 1:30, but I'm always late. Amershley didn't get to the skytrain until 1:45. I think Darius had the impression that Ash was a boy. By Ash, I mean AshLEY


It was KILLER awkward. I spent most of my time talking to Ash, both Sern and Darius just sorta stood there . . . AWKWARDLY. It seemed like eternity before we finally arrive at our stop. After taking what seemed to be the long cut, I see the book store. An obnoxiously large sign hangs in front of the store, which reads "本"

For anybody who is local, it's around Burrard Station. I don't remember what street it's on, but the store is called "Book Off"

I'm not a book lover, so I was NOT crazy about looking around (Unlike Sern and Ash, who were already spazzing). I just hovered behind them pretending to be interesting in something, ANYTHING. While looking at the covers of some books, I noticed their rock bottom prices.

Me: $3? Are you friggin' kidding me?
Friend: Buy it.
Me: I already have that volume ;_____;
Friend: Sucks to be you >D

As usually, I left the store empty handed as my friends trotted out happily with their books.
I am your #1 window shopper :D

Darius said that we should go to Aberdeen, but that's 30-45 minutes away, and Sern had work in a couple of hours. Since Serena wanted sushi, we went to Crystal instead.

I honestly don't know why we just loitered their when we arrived. Sern said she wanted sushi, but I think her real goal was to get some 2pm album. The loitering went on for 5 minutes before
Darius said: I'll go buy sushi.
Everyone: . . . .

He goes to get food while me and Ash find a seat.

Ash: Isn't this kind of awkward.
Me: Pfft. No duh?
Ash: I wonder what is motive is.
Me: Who knows?
Ash: I mean there must be a reason as to why he invited you, right?

I'd ask him why, but he'd probably give me some half hearted, or scripted sounding answer. Something like:
• "Just to hang out."
• "I want to get to know my friends better"
• "[insert bs here]"

BAWWW. He brought the food, and we started to eat. Ash was convinced that he didn't know how to use chopsticks, because his food was MUTILATED.

As we headed for the SkyTrain to go home, Sern says that she wants boba. At this point, I'm assuming that she's trying to get rid of Darius :B

When I trip was finally over, I had a private chat with Ash. Before I tell you what she said, Ashley is not one of those typically b*tchy type girls. In fact, she's one of the most innocent people you can ever meet in your life time. She's like a child genious trapped in a teenage body.

Ash: That was awkward. If that's what a date is like, I would never want to go on one.
Me: Well, for one, you'd have 2 less people on a real date.
Ash: I thought he was very nice, but he isn't (I don't remember what word she used. gentlemanly?) enough. He was nice to buy the food, but he overlooked drinks, and didn't ask us what we would like to eat.

And that was my day.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fun times with mah bbycakes

Officially one of the best days I've had all spring break! I went out to the mall with Sally! I regret one thing: I didn't bring my camera ;____; Gorsh darn it. I told myself I would carry it around everywhere.
I laid in bed until 10:am. I got ready at about 12:30pm, debating over whether I should wear skinnies or shorts. Later, I checked if Sally was online. No sign of her. We had scheduled to leave at 1:00pm, so I found it odd that she wasn't on at least an hour earlier.


The clock ticks 1, so I burst out the door, and head to the SkyTrain. Obviously, I forget a bunch of my stuff at home, and have to make a trip back. After grabbing some stuff, I speed walk to the station. When I arrive, I see Sally. She's earlier than me. SHE'S ACTUALLY EARLIER ME! I apologize as she usually does to me, and ask her when she arrived.

"Oh, I got here around 12:30pm."
Me thinking: Oh, drat. She's been waiting for 45min?
"The bus actually came earlier today."
thinking: YOU actually came earlier today :'D

We step on the train, and start chatting about school. It turns out we both hate Mandarin . . . mostly just our Mando teachers, but we were definitely sharing the rage. She totally sympathized with me, as we shared "WTF?!" looks as we talking about how messed up our Mando teachers are.
Sally: My teacher is 40+, and she keeps saying how her 6yr old child would be the same age as us if she had given birth earlier. Who cares?
Me: HAHA! Wow. So irrelevant. My Mando teacher is old enough to retire, and he keeps saying how he keeps working to share his knowledge BLA BLAH BLAH! He should at LEAST me MODEST about doing us this "favour". He's also a strong believer of "Marks are just numbers"
Sally: I hate it when teachers say marks are just numbers. Those number could be the difference between a pass and fail.


When we got the the mall, we just drifted about. After 2 hours of aimless walking, we went to Superstore. I was supposed to buy peanuts, but it totally slipped my mind when I got to the till. I ended up getting some instant noodle thing. Alfredo with broccoli? I have no idea. Here's a picture for reference. Sally paid for me :'D
YAY FOR NO NAME STUFF! It's an Asian's best friend. As we once again lost direction of where to go in the mall, Sally started talking about how she missed Olivia and Jiman.
Me: YEAH! Oh, man! Too bad we can't find them on FB. We had our differences, but I want to see them again.
SL: I still remember Olivia's phone number.
ME: Uhh . . . what was it again? (xxx)254 . . .
SL: . . . 8xx2
Me: Didn't she change her phone number?
SL: Did she? Remember how we used to have phone convos, and we'd tell each other we had friends over. We would fake different voices, and say somebody was over.
Me: PFFT! That is so embarrassing to think about.
SL: But it's fun to think about.
Me: (I begin doing some fake voice) Hi, my name is Joey.


Metro offered nothing, so we went to a nearby Asian mall.
SL: I haven't been to the mall in 2 months, but I'm still bored of it. All the clothes seem to be the same, and nothing seems special.
Me: I know right? But I guess we have to be creative with how we wear the boring clothes that stores offer.

Great minds think alike, and our feet automatically took us too the food court. Sally got herself a milk tea boba, and I got myself a California roll. The roll seemed somewhat larger that usually (so much for starving myself, eh?). I start complaining about the lighting.
Me: I wish the lighting was better.
SL: What do you expect? It's an Asian mall.
Me: True. "If I don't fix the ceiling, I'll save a whole $20!"

Stomachs full, we advance to our next stop.


We headed back to the sky train, and when to International Village for Yokoyaya. Sally wanted to get some cosmetic sponges for her concealers. Hands just didn't do the job too nicely. I got myself a concealer, mascara, and lipstick. I desperately want to try their pressed powder. CHEAP STUFF FTW!

Nature called and wanted to Sally to go to the washroom ASAP. I remember my friend, Sabiru, telling me that there was a free coffee promotion going on. Sheepishly, I stand in line, and ask for a coffee.
"One cream , two sugar."

Somewhat bitter, but it warmed up my hands

As Sally and I are about to go home, she says that it's early, and that she doesn't want to go back yet.
Me: Sure? Want to go back to metro?
SL: Okay. It's only 4:15pm.


On the trip back to the mall, I say:
Are you ever paranoid that the train might fall of the tracks?
Guy behind us: Especially when it goes around a tight corner.
SL: . . . .

I have an odd tendency of talking to strangers >___>;; and enjoying it. I wish I had said bye to that man D: Give him Buttercup's specialty "Goodbye, sir/mister."

@ ze mall

Lucky me. Guess who I see when I get at the mall? Anil's sister, "Cake-face". Before I carry on with my day, let my explain how I use the term cake face.

Cake-face: Somebody who has a face that looks obviously covered in make up. You can tell that this is not their natural skin tone, because
a) Their neck is obviously a different colour.
b) You can still see their natural skin colour under all that powder, and it's hecka lighter/darker.
I approve of heavy eye makeup for whatever reason. I just have a pet peeve against foundation that is the wrong colour.

^Pet peeve. I'll try to change it orz

Anyways, so I see her, and give her a double take. Bad idea, she looked back at me. That's the second time I've seen her over the break. She dresses like a nammer, so she kinda gives of that "crazy bitch" look (I think I do too, my friend said my first impression was: Mean xD).

SL: Next time I see her, I'll give her a weird look.
Me: It's probably bested that you don't. She'll probably ask her friends to jump you.
SL: Oh. haha!
Me: Yeah. It's kinda pathetic how they travel in groups to confront ONE or TWO people. Seriously, she came up to me one day during lunch with a group of 4 other people. She had one other person watch the stares. Crazy bitch tits over here starts asking me blah blah blah while 2 of her "gang member" are standing awkwardly in the background, not even giving my a weird look. And THIS is how her brother took things into his own hands.
SL: Wow. You don't take responsibility by asking somebody else to do stuff.

Point being: Two wrongs don't make a right.


I don't even remember what we did after that. I only remember going to Payless Shoes Store, Spring, and Mcdonalds.

We were crazy tired, so Sally sat down on one of the benches, as I tried to channel the caffeine from the coffee I had half an hour ago. I tried on the pair of shoes that I wanted again, and decided that maybe they aren't so nice. HAPPY WALLET MOMENT! Spring was practically empty, and we stood out like sore thumbs.
Me: Let's go *coughcough*

I don't know why, but I really want some new shoes. I love hanging around in this shoe store with Sally, because we both act like idiot in there. We both start trying out shoes, and making silly comments on shoes we find. While browsing, I find a shoe box with only one shoe.
Me: Hey look! One shoe! What an idiot >___> If you're going to steal one, steal two. (kidding. Please don't steal; It's not good.)
This women walked by us, as we were acting like retards, and laughed.

Sally was craving for some fries, so we got large fries! I was thirsty, so I got another coffee.
"Triple, triple please"
We ended up sitting there a little too long, because my goal was to get home before 7. The reason we got side track was because we were coming up with ideas for: You know you're asian when . . . .

At the end of our day, we told each other that we were comfortable with saying anything to one another. I wish I had more friends like Sally. It's like we share a head.
BFFs, dude!

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Consequence

From Angry Teenage Girl to Her Mother:

To all parents and people out there, try not to excessively lecture you kids; Be extra careful about lecturing your kids if you don't have post-secondary education. Why? Your lack of education creates a weak point. It can symbolize your ignorance. Not necessarily true, but school is something most people associate with as a tool for "curing" ignorance. If you don't have post secondary, or didn't achieve very much in high school, please be open minded to any teenage angst or senselessness you may come by.

Teenagers are some of the worst people you'll ever meet. They are loud, obnoxious, and too damn cocky. You can lecture and reason with them, but unless your arguments are crazy good, don't expect anybody to be listening (actively listening).

Regardless of how good your argument is, say it ONCE not a million times. It's like food; If you eat your favourite food everyday, every meal, it'll probably lose its delicious factor (BLAH). Overuse your argument, and it goes bad. Easy as that.

A) you're setting a bad example of how to deal with idiots
B) you LOOK like an idiot, and nobody listens to idiots.

Don't "lecture"(I use the term lecture loosely) anybody when asking them for help. You come off as an A-hole. Not only are you treating this person like crap, but now you expect them to HELP you? Are you fucking kidding me. Treat other as you would treat yourself. If you're a masochistic maniac, treat other people like NORMAL non-pain loving people PLEASE.

I Hate Immigrants

They: Who are you?
Me: Who am I?
They: Yes.
Me: I'm the consequence of selfishness.
They: How so?
Me: Everybody wants something, and I was the result of a twisted wish. No choices. To me, life seems less of a blessing, and more of a curse. My existence was the only thing that could seal the contract. They fucking sold my soul to the devil for some God damn documents. These selfish people will never see how broken I am, and they might never realize what a train wreck they are themselves. Regardless of the conviction they speak with, and this seemingly better reality, yesterday is forever carved into stone. My life cannot be taken back, only taken away.

Life is no blessing when it is used, and toyed with. I have to play along, because my parents thought they could find a better life in a new country.


Can you tell that I just had an argument with my mother? As much as I may appreciate her so called "teaching" in the future, I resent her right now. I'm probably in the wrong, but this is how it went down

[flash back]

*My mother walks into my room as I surf the net*

MOM: What's that smell?
ME: Oh, I bought some stuff off eBay.
MOM: What did you get.
ME: Nothing
MOM: *She picks up the brush set on my bed*
Geez, you bough another brush set?! How much was it?
ME: $10
MOM: GOD! Why don't you spend more time reading, and less on make-up
ME: Okay! I get it! You don't have to keep rambling
MOM: You're way too brave! I don't even know any university students who order things online.
MOM: You need to ask my before buying things. You have to spend money wisely! Do you know who gave you that money?
ME: *mutters *I'm a teenager . . .
MOM: *looks around* Your room looks like a pig sty! It's no wonder your skin is so bad.
ME: Believe what you want, but I gets worse when I'm agrivated, and right now, you are ticking me off.

this keeps going, and she tells me I look like a hooker. If my grandpa can disown my as a granddaughter, I disown my position in this family.

I feel like shit right now. I miss elementary, but I don't miss being ten years old. I was the type of kid who said "I wish I were dead", "things would be better off if I were gone", "I'd rather die." That's what I would tell my mom from ages 8-10. It probably broke my mother's heart to hear that I wanted to die. To be honest, I don't care if it hurts her. What goes around comes around.
We (my family) eventually moved, and life seemed somewhat better. I stopping talking about wanting to die, because life was "precious" to me. It was precious, and I hated emo kids. Hypocrite? Totally.

For the next 2 years, life was flipping awesome. Maybe not on the way in, but it surely got better. Not only did I quit Chinese school (something I've been crying over for the last five years), I had made new friends who showed me new ways of enjoying my time. That there was more to life that going through some tragically depressing routine. Sure, I was a LITTLE tired, but I was happy.

After the next two years, everybody graduated from elementary. My friends went their separate ways (we still stay in contact), and I was ushered into the new atmosphere of high school. The large halls and students were intimidating. I was once again on the bottom of the social food chain. Horray. . . My eyes automatically scan for somebody I might know. I find a group of students from elementary. These people became my friends for the rest of the year, and we would all sit together during lunch, but it was difficult. These friends became acquaintances as they each found new friends who shared similar interests. Me? I found nobody with similar interests, and if I did, we wouldn't speak to one another. Do you think kids help phone actually helps?

I know I'm in leadership, and this is probably a bad way to deal with life, but I'm going to fast.

Your's depressingly,

Late nights, no sleep

Just finished editing a video. I'll screen that in the morning, and post it up. Until then, I want to tell you all about some shoes I wanted to get. I was browsing around on the FOREVER21 website, picked out some shoes that I liked, just to find that they don't accept paypal. ;_____; I wanted to get 3 pairs of shoes! I was so bummed out when I found out they didn't take paypal! HOW COULD THEY! Paypal is YOUR pal! forever21 should consider making that form of payment available. Until they do, I'll have to walk around in my rundown boots. Someday, I will get a job! I will get paid, and buy shoes. If you're the manager at some fast food chain, please consider hiring me. I will love you long time. Not only will I love you, but I will be your BEST FRIEND :D You just can't beat that offer.

I'll talk to you guys tomorrow. ttyl.
