Thursday, December 6, 2012

Grad Breakfast

Hallo, long time no talk.  I haven't been lugging my digi cam around with me recently, so I hope you don't mind my cell pics :)  Today, I ate breakfast together with the other students in my grade.  The only reason I attended was because the breakfast was schedules after an early morning assembly, and if I didn't go to the breakfast, I would have to kill some 30 minutes without food.  On the plus side, the Ikea styled meal was only $3 HYUK HYUK

Given the low cost, it tasted okay hehehe orz   The people who cooked the breakfast are AMAZING - I have never in my life eaten eggs that were so elastic in texture :D  I ended up passing up most of my eggs to my friend, and I'm sure she appreciated it seeing as how the kitchen ran out of food by the time she was in line.

My friend also forgot to bring a mug, but she was clever enough to find other methods
to get her share of food.

She used a juice box to hold her flaming hot beverage.  Can't blame her for looking crazy.  Nothing beats a good cup of hot cocoa.

And since hot chocolate is the best, I cleverly brought the largest mug in my cabinet *cheap*

By the end of the breakfast, I just wanted more stuff to drink, but the dispensers seemed to be empty.  FEAR NOT.  when there is a will, there is way :D

What have we learned today?
PK is super cheap!

have a good one

p.s.  Hopefully I'll see you guys soon in 
a video, but I can't promise you
anything - yenno I'm bad with 
those stinkin' promises.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Derren Brown: Apocalypse Fake?

I just finished watching this television program Derren Brown: Apocalypse.  It is stated that the entire segment was not staged, however, I can't help but question the authenticity of the entire performance.

The show is an emotional, twisted version of Punk'd.  A young man named Steven is described a being a lazy, good for nothing fellow who takes everything in his life for granted.  From these qualities, Steven is selected to be secretly filmed for an odd experiment in which he is placed into the stimulation of a zombie apocalypse, ideally to come out with a new perspective on life.

Sounds like a pretty neat idea, but the whole charade just seems off to me.

The camera angles were just too convenient not to be staged.  Considering that all of the cameras were supposed to be hidden, it seems too unlikely that they would catch so much clear footage.  The camera suggests that it would have been placed nearly right in front of Steven, which would make it obvious to anybody that the entire ordeal was a lie.  However, the show carries on after this point, which would insinuate that this Steven is just an actor.

How did Steven find the will to restrain himself from killing the zombies?!  I think most people would agree that during a zombie apocalypse, zombie slicing is 100% encouraged.  Here he is, behind the safety of a fence standing a couple feel away from a crowd of zombies, but he makes absolutely no effort to kill any of them!  DO YOU NOT PLAY LEFT 4 DEAD?!
Steven didn't try to confirm the authenticity of the zombies.  I don't recall him inspecting the zombies at any given moment, and it seems unusual that he could so easily accept the idea an apocalypse.  Such an outrageous idea would certainly require some extent of skepticism, right?

 Maybe the entire concept of the show was to create something that people would want to question, something that would immediately become a hot topic.  If that were the case, it evidently worked, because a Google search would support that many spectators are also making an effort to dissect the credibility of Steven's case.
Although it series looks to be obviously staged, it's still a fun way to kill time.  If you would like to make your own judgment how convincing the acting is, it's currently posted on YouTube.

- PK 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

I'm Done

Holy snap!  I just quit my senior management position in school today, and it feels so good.  My position was director of technology, and I just didn't have my heart in it.  The biggest problem for me was my lack of knowledge on the fact I was being graded, and naturally, it fell rather low on my list of priorities.  My assumption was that it was a voluntary position (which it might actually be, and I dun goof'd by quitting).

Above that, I didn't mesh well with the rest of senior management :(  Don't get me wrong; The other managers are very nice.  I just couldn't stand the "professional" atmosphere, and the silences that sets in during meetings.  The whole charade just felt somewhat plastic and stiff.  It just felt wrong, because I'm a very animated person - like a theatre kid.  It was a challenge for me to sit down and listen to talk about deadlines, numbers and goals.

As if the business-y aspect, certain people had to ask silly questions.

I was away from school for a day due to sickness, and this just happened to be a day of a meeting.  For obvious reasons, I wasn't there, leading certain members to question my absense.  Instead of being logical, and assuming I was skipping school, they ask my friend:

"Does she hate us?"

It wasn't just one person who interrogated my friend, it was a handful.  I still find it offensive that they went on a tangent and assumed that opinion rather than approaching me.

Great job, Tam.  Excellent stimulation of a real life situation - You don't always work with the people you want.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


For the longest time, I have considered getting cosmetic surgery, and before you say anything, DO NOT ASSUME THAT I AM POSTING THIS TO FISH FOR COMPLEMENTS.  I'd like to thank anybody who may have considered saying "Oh, but you look fine just the way you are!" [insert Bruno Mars song here], but please refrain from doing so.  Remember - I DO WHAT I WANT!!  I'm just here to jabber, and it's not as if I'm getting anything done soon . . . at least not too soon.

Back to my little talk.  There are a number of things about my appearance that I don't particularly find appealing, and perhaps as a result of media influences, I have often thought about which types of cosmetic procedures that would be favourable.  Without a doubt, plastic surg, like any other type of surgery isn't cheap, and coming from a super average middle class family, getting work done on my face is simply out of the budget.  Even so, I find if impossible at times not too think about the "flaws" all over my face. Some of which I have listed above. I though about getting a jaw reduction, because I don't find my jawline to be super sexy, but them I saw all of the bone slicin', and that freaked me out, and I don't think I ever want my skull to be hacked up. No no no. Too freaky. I'd like to get a rhinoplasty though, although

a) too cheap to pay for expensive stuff
b) I will be ridiculed among my peers  = =

There's often a lot of stigma attached to the idea of plastic surgery in North America, and that can make anybody apprehensive about getting a procedure done.  People will stick up their noses at those whose bodies have been artificially modified, perhaps under the impression that these are walking lies.  There is such a large spectrum of things to be judgmental of O: (c'mon, I should know)  Oddly enough, surgery is so much more accepted in reserved cultures within Asia.  I've even though about travelling there just to get stuff done - BUT I DON'T HAVE MONIES. QAQ

Would I get stuff done if I had butt loads of money?

Do I have butt loads of money?

Will I ever have butt loads of money?
Maybe GOLD DIGGIN' jks

the rent is too damn high.

I have to go fix coding errors.  While I'm gone, please feel free to continue judging me to be a superficial, insecure, and unattractive teenager who doesn't know what the hell she is talking about.  Appreciated.


Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Things come to an end

As August nears its closing, I have been flustered with the responsibility of complete the school store website.  Of course, I have the option of totally half assing it, but it would probably be in my favour to create something that looks . . . presentable ^^;;  Truth be told, I've already forgotten most of the stuff that I've learned during the school year.  I also filmed a video earlier this month, and I'll try to push that out before the end of this month.

ANYWAYS, the reason that I've decided to bring my lazy arse to finally submit some type of entry is just to get some steam off.  I typed up a whole bunch of stuff... but then I wondered if it would be too obvious for people to understand for my own comfort -A-  To summarize, I just wanted to say that it was probably the longevity of my one sided emotions that made the whole shebang seem to feel so painful.  But it was ultimately one sided, so it shouldn't make sense to feel this bad.

I hope that didn't make sense :)

On another note, apparently I look like I could be a pot head to my fellow coworkers.  If you ever get to know me in person, you may notice that I seem to be somewhat of a nutcase, but I can promise you that I don't do drugs (besides the good ol' Reactant).  My friends are often curious as to what I would be like if I were under the influence or intoxicated... alas, I don't do anything crazy like that.  This girl is crazy in other ways HAHAHAH

ok, tis all.  Hope you all tingling good time for the rest of your summer.

Sunday, July 29, 2012


My summer has been a gradual decline in my level of luck.  Generally speaking, I consider myself to be a rather lucky girl; Shit usually sways in my favour to a certain degree.  However, everything in the last few weeks seems to be nothing short of devastatingly disappointing.

Gosh darn it, I don't even want to get started on listed the aggravating events that I have faced, because I know that it will just make me more upset = =

But at the same time, I think I'll want to remember this moment in my young life.

First off, I'm in summer school, and I'm doing VERY badly.  Currently conflicted as to whether or not it would be apropriate to drop out of the course.  On one hand, I buy myself a few extra days to have ample 'lax time during the summer.  On the other hand, I have to dish out an extra $30 which is the commitment fee the system charged.  Those $30 would be usefull, because I lost my cell phone the other day!  Thankfully, I have . . . had a mega ghetto Nokia 5230, and under no circumstances would anybody being keen on stealing such a hideous thing HAHAHA

A couple weeks ago, it was planned that three friends and myself would go out for a buffet since we hadn't been together in a long time.  Furthermore, I sense that there is some tension between one of my friends and I.  This could be entirely in my head, but I can sense it ""orz  (a mutual friend said that she experienced the same tension with them.  Is that confusing? )  The get together was supposed to be a convenient way to break the tension, but the backed out last minute like always.  Eh.  I just felt bad for the two friends who DID go, 'cause I was a sour puss for most of the day.  On several occasions, they tried to cheer my up by trying to find something to joke about.  In my head, the only thing I could think of was, "Fuck, I'm such a bitch T____T "

It felt like deja vu, because when the tension first happened last year, I gorged myself in food too.

And again, I was pretty serious about maximizing value while eating out...
Don't ever go all you can eat, or buffet with me.  I will
legit shove food down your throat HAHHAHAH

Okay.  There's more, but I'm gonna leave it here.  G'night homies.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Children, gotta catch 'em all

 Ayo.  How goes your day.  I've been MIA from the internet for such a long time!  
I'm not even busy with school = = Anyhow, I had a pretty exhausting yet entertaining 
weekend which involved . . .  hunting for children OTL

The assignment that I was working on involved filming a trailer for Jurassic Park
My partner and I bothagreed that a nearby park would be
 an excellent location for shooting the "island" scenes.
Let me tell you - our generation is way too detached from enjoying the outdoors,
because it took the longest time to find children of the right age group (10-14)
Everybody at the park was either a parent, or a toddler.  The most reasonable assumption
would be that all of the preteens and teens are either at home on the computer,
gaming, or watching TV, or loitering at the mall ('cause let's face it, that's was we do best).

My partner and I finally managed to locate a bunch of children having
a picnic with their family, but we were apprehensive about
approaching them since they already seemed occupied.  After passing
their camp site 6 times, we finally asked the young boy if he could
do us a favour, and act in our mock trailer.

Boy: Sure!
Me: Yes, my prayers have been answered 
Boy: Let me ask my mom
Me: damn it.

In the end, everything worked out, and the kids we found
were very enthusiastic about helping us do the project . . . sadly,
I didn't bother doing a story board :)  Oh well, whatevs
I do what I want

Here's a picture of the word's biggest posing squirrel.
Sandy, get back in your dome.

Lates, time to go edit some shitty clips together :D

p.s. - why has there been an exponential increase in the amount
of troll comments I get on YT?  .____."""   Err...

Monday, April 30, 2012

Just one

Oh, Facebook, you've painted such beautiful lies for me in the past.

My grandparents have finally forgotten how old I am - which isn't shocking.  I only see them a few times a year.  Heck, I never even knew for certain how old they were, so I'm  not offended > <

Both of my parents managed to remember to tell me happy birthday.  My mom picked me up from work and said "Don't think I forgot!  Happy birthday!"  I was surprised that it's didn't slip her mind, so she replied saying that she was the one who had to give birth to me.  Certainly, labour isn't likely to be something that one soon forgets.  My dad called me later in the evening while waiting at the dock, and gave me the same message. He works on the island, so he's only home once a week. 

Between my friends, one friend had remembered to send me a text message saying "HAPPY BITHDAY!!"

Aiyo, feel so lonely with each passing year ;A;  I want to go out and hang out with friends, but then I feel so lethargic, and our schedules are so rarely compatible.  Oh well, just another day in the year!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Food review website? OMNOMNOM

After my gong show of a website project was completed, my web designed teacher assigned the students the next mission - A review website.  Perhaps it's due to my recent obsession with watching the Food Network, but I decided that I would do a food review website AHAHAHA a great excuse to go out and eat some food "orz  So much for getting fit for summer season (mind you, I never really put in a effort beyond 2 days of eating "healthy").  The theme is going to be cheap eats - cheap food you can get around the city.  I need to find some placed I should visit, but I can't think of too many things.  I was thinking of dropping by the bungeoppang stall around Lougheed, but it's soooooooooooooo far away T___T  I don't like taking the SkyTrain and doing nothign for so long, it makes me feel very sleepy.  I want to visit Commecial drive.  OMG THE BELL RAND LATER - lunch!

Monday, April 9, 2012


My mom asked me if I wanted rice or noodles.  She knows my throat hurts like a son of a bitch, yet she says "You can at least nod or shake your head."  Bitch, that wasn't a freakin' yes or no question = =

I know she looking out for me, but I honestly don't want to talk to her . . . Her IQ is oh so very questionable.

strep throat, hate you QQ

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I got a fever = = What is this madness?! I lost my voice, too. As a result, every time somebody tries to talk to me, I look constipated due to the fact that it hurts to talk. I feel like my throat is bleeding T____T My mom is pissing me off yet again. She knows for fact that I am sick, yet she insists that I go to Wal-Mart with her. The idea of shopping there with my mom drives me up the wall, because she always has some problem with her credit card or there's something wrong with the bill - No joke. EVERY BLOODY TIME. If there is ever an instance when I can leave Wal-Mart with my mom skipping a visit to the customer service desk, I will be happy to let you know. 

I had to film this commercial for a school project . . . so ghetto.
This was the one day that my partners and I were free to work, and it
also happened to be the same day that everybody else was free; Good Friday T___T there's
a lot of background noise on the audio track, and I'm too lazy to put any effort into fixing it.
So awkward, I saw so many familiar faces, and I didn't really want to say hi
to everybody, because I'm rude like that.

After filming, we were going to treat ourselves to ice cream at Rocky Mountain,
but then remembered that were were eating sushi - just didn't seem like a nice match, but we
got free samples HAHAHAHA *cheap*

The blossoms are blooming, therefore it is almost my birthday B)
Not excited . . . don't even celebrate anymore :(

My pet dog is so messy. tsk tsk.  Teddy bear cookies all over the mat.

 A daily struggle.
Tell me why mom mom still forgets to knock on the door when I am butt naked
in my room, even after I have gone through the effort of printing out a sign
that says "Please knock" in an language she can read and understand = =
I should just install a lock.

ok, lates.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Organic Lives

Hi erbody!  I finally have my Wifi up again >D  My list internet adapter
totally died on me if I haven't said already.  Anyhow, just a warning to all:
Don't fucking buy Netgear branded stuff = = it's so ma fan considering
that I had to stay on the phone for 1hr with customer service, and got nothing fixed GRRRR

Today I went to Organic Lives with a few of my friends form school
to celebrate somebody's birthday.  This quaint vegan cafe is located not far from 
Main Street Science World station at 1829 Quebec St.

One of the chefs there kindly greeted us and gave a brief yet thorough walk through of
the menu.  My friends said he looked like Kesler = =

What funky looking chopsticks!

What's that on the top?

Oh look! It's a little elephant d'awwww

 The Original Pizza

That colourful slice you see there is of watermelon radish.
Pretty, no?

Various spreads.  I discovered that I do not enjoy the taste of tapenade QAQ;;

The sauce on this one was really spicy > <

I liked how the vegan sushi looked.  Makes me think of some 
woodland fairy making sushi in the kitchen AHHAHAH 

I was walking home, and I saw this = =
It's one of those window stickers.
pedobear . . . clever

Alright, just a few photos today.  Hope everyone is well!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Sorry I keep posting videos here!  It's like a fricken video stream for everybody who is following AHHAHA!  Anyhow, I stumbled across this song yesterday, All I Want Is You by m-flo, and it's really catchy :)  I was wondering who the female singer was, and it sounded a lot like Minami from CREAM.  I remember they posted a video recently where they covered Let Go, and m-flo was in the video.  Put two and two together, and it makes sense that Minami is the one singing >D  Anyhow, I hope CREAM makes it big.

m-flo also did a collab with 2NE1 - She's So (Outta Control).  I personally like All I want is you more.  While listening to the song, all I could think about were shiso leaves OTL

Holy shit, it's so dirty T___T  I'm kinda

This isn't relevant, but I cleaned out my keyboard yesterday, and took a really long time T___T  I've had this keyboard for about 6-7 years now, and over the course of this ownership, I have spilled various surgary drinks on key clickity clackity keyboard O___Q  When the drinks dried up, some of the keys would stick down when  Ipressed them, but now that everything is all cleaned up, I don't have to worry HHEHEHE!  I'm so happy!  Regarding what I found under the keys, there was an obvious about of dust, but there were also many short hairs . .  . = =  Like eyelashes or something.  I have no idea, but the intire process what rather disgusting (you can probably tell I have a pretty dirty key board!).  The backspace, enter key and shift key had these retainer things on them, and I didn't get to clean under them out of fear that I might accidentally snap the key in half UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  OH THE HORROR.  Other than that, the board looks nice a shiny :D

Okay!  I'm gonna get trained to learn how to build a hamburger today > < Till then, I shall watch more Skip Beat!, and dick around!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Spring Break Blues

Holy smack.  I really need to get some work done T____T

Website for web design due in 2 weeks along with an infomercial, which I haven't even started yet!  I have to get a storyboard and commercial done for marketing, which seems like fun HAHAHA but it'll will surely come out looking major lame.  I want to enter the film festival contest at my school, but I don't really know what I want to do ):

So far, spring break has been really sloooooow.  It rained today, so that meant I could go anywhere (and enjoy myself).  I ended up staying at home, and reading a truck load of yaoi WOOOOOO WEEKEND.  My life is just incredibly exciting QAQ;;  Apart from that, I have WAY too many shifts at work this week, and I really don't want to go = =  I got a customer complaint while working in the drive through yesterday, which lead me to feel somewhat sad . . . that quickly just became rage though SO IT'S OK!  

This is what happened (because it's "totally amazing", and you want to know - A -)
I was taking cash from a customer in the drive thru window, and I hear them mention something about a "video".  If you aren't already aware, I get REALLY on edge when I hear the words "video", "YouTube", "blog", "princess", and basically anything that can possibly correlate to my online alias ""orz  It comes to the point in which it can send me into a mild emotional break down.  Out of paranoia, I say "excuse me?" (just in case they were talking to me).  They drove off, and I never heard what was said, so I asked my coworker who was sweeping the driveway if he happened to hear.  Just as he told me, somebody drove up to the speaker and ordered something.  I couldn't hear exactly what they said, but it was something like "Large c...." (don't go there!!!!).  The customer drives up to my window to pay, and I politely say that I didn't catch his entire order, and inquire whether or not it was a large coffee that he wanted.  "So you didn't hear my order?  It was a large coke, and yenno what?  Never mind.  I don't want it anymore!  You can keep talking to your friend."

No words could come out of my mouth at this point, as I was simple stunned. I hope that bitter old fart dies of diabetes or something violent.  In my mind, I envisioned scenarios in which the fat fuck had his vandalized and other terrible things ARGH >(

Did I ever mention this kinda cool looking guy I work with?  He's not very tall, but he's really buff... although, I normally don't like looking at buff guys, so this is new territory for me  =A=  My reason for disliking muscly guys is greatly due to the fact that most guys I know that work out at school are super cocky, and all they ever talk about is working out, eating protein, how many reps they do, and what they did on the weekend (which is most likely work out).  It's almost animal-like!  There's also this k-celeb looking type dude at school.  I honestly have no idea what grade he's in, but I occasionally see him chatting with on of the girls in my grade (or rather, she's yipping at him like a chihuahua, if that makes any sense).

SPEAKING OF K-CELEBS I was watching the live action ver. of Skip Beat!  While watching it, and I thought to myself  "Gee, they sure look Korean!"  Then I realized they guys were from Suju (Donghae, and Siwon) orz ~  I'm not a huge fan of K-pop, so I'm not really good at recognizing faces and names of the idols!  Not to say I don't enjoy the music, it's just far to difficult to memorize the names of so many people T___T  Anyhow, it's a cute show, and it's nice to kill time... if you have time to kill (which I really shouldn't!).

I found this, and I thought of Asho, 'cause Melochin is in it haha!

It's probably ideal that I find some time to catch up with some old pals over break OTL  I feel like we're all drifting apaaaaaaaaaaart QQ


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Self righteous

Happy Valentines Day

I'm going to super ramble in today's entry, so feel free to carry and watch my new video.  It's probably more entertaining that read some angry, pissy blog.

I've been having a shit week.  First off, I was terrible at work earlier this week.  Not to imply that I'm usually outstanding at serving burgers, but I just felt super out of it.  For whatever odd reason, I just couldn't hear to anything, or act quickly enough.   On Sunday night, I was forced to stay up until 3am to work on a marketing assignment, and it was not exciting.  Compared to one of my team remembers, Winnie, I actually got a decent amount of sleep that night; Winnie didn't sleep at all.  To top it all off, my family has rented our basement out the the craziest bitch tenant ever. 

Here's the deal, when we were talking to the tenant (let's call her Jill) prior to renting the place out to her, my mom asked me to ask for Jill's occupation.  This was clearly bad on my part, but I didn't feel comfortable asking her, and in retrospect, I sorta wish I did.  However, I don't think that knowing that she isn't employed would make a significant shift on my mom's decisions of renting the place out to Jill.  She was willing to pay a premium price in comparison to the frugal budget of most Chinese folks, and that was probably something that my mom was keen on.  Anyhow, Jill is a mother ass.  She sings super late at night (any time after 11pm is later for me), and the biggest problem is the volume of it.  Not only that, but she always has guests over, and that's not something that the landlord can control, but it surely isn't favourable that she has people coming in and out all of the time . . . namely due to the fact Jill's friends are just as loud and obnoxious as herself.  There was one night in particular, on the 10th, where she probably held some type of party/get together.  The fucking crazy woman was singing scales at 12am = =  what the fuck, wtf aghkjakgjhkjafhk.  Have I mentioned her laugh?  It's one of the most vile sounds my ears have ever been subjected to!  It's not far off from the sound of hyena's laughing, except Jill's laugh is super shrill.

At least hyenas look CUTE.  Jill is not cute, she is a fat ugly chola lady = n =

I'm done being pissed, gdaaaaaaaaay

Monday, February 13, 2012

Hey, er'body.
It's currently 3:35am, and I feel like a pile of flaming cow turds.
Normally, I would immediately go to bed after a long day of dicking around,
but then I was reminded I had to work on this marketing assignment QQ
In a group of four, my group stayed up working on a write up of a marketing proposal
for Gap Inc.  Holy moly fdkjahdkgjahkdjfghajfhgjafdhgjkahfdgh
I feel so brain dead right now.  I hope I remember what I have to do for tomorrow.

I have a number of things that I need to set up time lines for, because I know for a 
fact that I have let myself slip away into some old bad habits.

It's almost Vday, and I feel like I should post a video up for the occasion LOLOLOL
I'm not going to tell you what my vid is going to be about, but it involves suffering.
3 assholes unsubbed my channel = = I know what you guys are doing, jks.
I'm not hurt . . . not that much ):

Tina's Birthday

Today was my friends birthday, and we spent it over at her house
eating bun thang (some viet noodle dish), and watching Insidious, which I must say,
is less exciting the second time.

I feel so guilty for not having any pictures for you guys T_____________________________T
I'll post when I have pics.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Bored at school

Invading my privacy, Sir.

Once again, in web design class, and my teacher has not yet assigned the next portion of the project.  I've already finished the last portion assigned, albeit poorly done.  Anyhow, it's been irritating me for a while.  I've discovered that there's this software installed on the computer so teachers can monitor computer activity of all the students.  I understand that it's a safety measure to ensure that students are acting responsibly on the computers, but I can't help but feel that my privacy is being invaded.  I can't help but feel as though everything I'm doing is being watched over - kinda like having mom looking over my shoulder whenever I'm on the computer. 

Mom, go away :(

Speaking of my mother, she always interrogates me regarding people on Facebook.  I'll be looking at some random video posted in my feeds, and my mom will come over, point at a picture in the news feeds, and ask me "Which one is you?"  UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH STOP BEING SO NOSY, AND THAT PICTURE ISN'T OF ME; THAT'S A PICTURE OF SOME RANDOM PERSON I HAPPEN TO BE ACQUAINTED WITH = =  I cannot describe the rage I feel when my mom monitors what I do on the computer.  It's not like it's anything inappropriate, but she has as many questions as a 3 year old.  "What's that?" "You should be doing your homework!" "Don't buy that." 

Shiet, just leave me be, woman!

I need to stop raging OTL  but I must say, the woman can drive me up the wall!

Money go bye bye

Let's talk about how I'm down $700 Q A Q;;  Before you come to the conclusion that I've been scammed, or I've somehow lost my money, that isn't the case; I spent it.  Yesterday, I bought myself a new camera, and ... well, I don't really know how to use it yet, but I'm getting the hang of it.  Hopefully, I'll able to take more pictures for my blog again, because it's clear that I haven't been taking too many photos it the recent months.  And looking at my stats, it's pretty darn obvious that I haven't been posting very much either.

I'm don't want to go into detail about what type of camera I bought, but I can guarantee that you will all call me a hypocrite ;;9 A 9)
Hint: it has a tilty swively screen HAHAHA Anybody else watch DRTV?  Love their vids.


There is another issue that has been irritating me, but saying anything would make me looking like a pretentious prick :/ 

Life lessons by PK: you should never blog about people acquainted with in real life with negative connotations. 

With that belief in place, I really can't say anything .................  however, if those watch dogs are still out, the people in question are not from school.  Just to get it out of my system, I would like to say the following: I'm not buying what you're selling, and I would really appreciate it if you brought your business elsewhere.  Mucho appreciado.

Did you read everything that I typed out today?  Good job, a pat on the shoulder for you! 

I'm really bored.  Can  you tell?   I'm really just typing out nonsense now.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

MVs From Way Back When

The beginning of the new year marks a period in which many people take a nostalgic trip on memory lane.  People look back at old photos, sort through last years clothing, and perhaps even take time to remember failed resolutions.  Having few photos, too much clothing, and no solid resolutions, I didn't spend too much time looking at such things; Instead, I listened to some old songs.  It's amazing how music can carry you back in time, and bring forth such small details of the past.

Girls keep raving about One Direction, and my friend keeps raving about NSYC (I swear, this girl must have been born in a time machine)

Tired, night

-pee kay

Monday, January 16, 2012

My eyes, they bleed.

Here I am, innocently browsing around craigslist for some sweet deals or pre-loved clothing, and I witness this ad for custom tees!  I've wanted to make a custom tee for a little while, but I've never been willing to dish out the cash.  If there's one thing I know about getting custom T's, it would be the fact that they are ridiculously expensive!  However, the ad showed that t shirts only costed $5.50/ea (I smell sweatshop labour in Cambodia~~~~~~~~ LOLOL!).  Anyhow, out of curiosity, I made the erroneous choice of viewing their website.  Prepare yourself, for what you are about to witness, is unworldly . . .


unworldly hideous.

either the company designed this website on their own, 
or a certain web designer needs to get FIRED - they need to be fired ASAP.
You probably can't tell from the image I've posted above seeing as
how I have resized it, but their banner is PIXELATED = =
I'm gonna cry.  That web site is so ugly, I'm gonna cryyyyyyyyyy.

Speaking of web design, I should probably be working on my
project!  Because I, too, will also be creating a hideous website >D

- major tired. Totes need some tingle touching sleep orz.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

God, he was gorgeous!

IT SNOWED TODAY HAHAH!  I'm clearly getting old, because I'm not major excited about it.  Sure, it makes the somber winter scenery brighten with a silent liveliness, but it also distracts from my fast paced walking. 

Anyhow, my manager briefly hinted promoting me.  MORE MONAAAAAAAAAAAY.  Of course, that;s assuming she decides that I have "what they are looking for", and that I will comply with doing extra work for a diminutive increase in my pay. 

Before anybody points out that I'm using overly pretentious wording, I'M PRACTISING FOR MY UPCOMING EXAM!  My English teacher has emphasized the fact that the majority of teens, or even adults for that matter, have a very restricted vocabulary. 


I felt rather ashamed, because that day, like most days, I was dressed like crap!  I can't find myself time in the recent mornings to get properly dressed.  Anyhow, the boy wore a cropped black pea coat, with pair of cranberry red, straight cut jeans, and a pair of chestnut loafers. He was carrying a khaki coloured cross body canvas bag.  He had lovely face too!  If it were socially acceptable, I would have stared at his dainty features a much more extensive period of time!  He looked like a pretty little boy from England HAHAHA! 

ok, super tired now ): g'night


Sunday, January 1, 2012


Hiya, how goes the night?
So sad, man!  Half a year has passes, and I still don't have my L LOLOLOLOL
I feel like all of my friends already have their's, and I haven't done shit.  I should probably just
get it done with, because we all need another hazard on the roads >D
Winter break is almost over, and I haven't updated my YT or my Blogger ;_____;
And what have I been doing over the past two weeks?

 I've been goofing around with my "pet dog".  Can you see her crazy hair?  It's tangled and messy,
I just don't get how she sleeps.  >A<;;
She goes "Ya ya ya ya ya ya" really often, and it kinda sounds like a
Vietnamese woman talking PFFFFFFT

I went to this shoe sale in down town, but I didn't really find any SUPER cheap shoes.
That shoe up there looked both ugly and interesting at the same time . . .
Looked kinda rad, but I've decided that I never want to dish out more than
$50 bucks for a pair of shoes
These shoes or so craaaaazy.  I would probably never wear these, but I thought
they looked pretty rad, so I took a picture >D
I actually spotted one pair of shoes that I liked, and it was a pair of deep royal purple
suede wedges ;________:  They looked so nice, but I think they were defective or something.
because I didn't end up buying them in the end.

I went to the mall the other day with Sally, since we haven't hung out since summer time.
We raided the sale section at Shoppers Drugmart, and we saw the Kinder Surprises >D
I haven't had one in a long ass time, so I was excited to have one again.
I chew through it for the toy, and you know what I freakin' got?

A paper fish = =  I want my money back. 
It was such a crap toy, I just left it in the mall LOL  Luckily, I only bought one,
My buddy Sally on the other hand managed to buy four HAAHHAAHHAHA SO SAD!
She seemed really tired that day though ):  She slept so late (probably around 5am).
Sally seemed to have a lot more to share about her life than I did LOL!  Her life seems so drama
filled.  Mind you, I think she could do without some of it.  There's this girl at
school who ticks her off a lot, who I think she should just cut ties with.
If I rememeber correctly, she broke up with her new boyfriend in the past month 10 times.
I hope that is an exaggeration on her part, because 10 times is a LOT.  Apparently everytime
she tries to breakup with the boy, he starts crying = =
Yenno what's the funny part.  A few years back, she was telling me
how creepy this guy was.  I guess we all have a change of heart, eh?
I had some stuff that I wanted to get off my chest too, but I didn't want to go
to in depth.  Maybe I should call kids help phone or something.
(FYI,my parents are NOT abusing me >D )
I gave her a very general depiction of how I felt.
"Don't you hate it when the guy you like is always
saying how he finds some other girl attractive."
"Oh my gosh, yeah!  What's worse is when that girl is your friend
Do you want to talk to me about it."
I thought about it the next day, and began to cry just before falling asleep.
If it was anybody else, I wouldn't cry about it, but they're my friend.
I need to find strangers that I will never meet again so I can vent so hard.
The following day, I raided Ash's house, and played Smash Bros, and Mario Cart (which, by the way, I both suck at).  Serena came too, but she only stayed for 45 minutes = =
Thing just never go according to plan.  I'm betting my money in hopes that Serena never ever ever never forever never ever reads my blog.

Original Plan
Alright, from Ash and my understanding, Serena likes this guy she
met during the Summer, and he likes her too. I have no idea how much truth there is in that
statement, but let's go with it for the sake of this story.  Ash had secretly invited that guy to

What Actually Happened
Serena could only stay for 45 minutes because she was scheduled for work that day.  OF ALL DAYS,
Anyhow, he found out, and decided not to come because it would be "awkward"
seeing as how he only feels close with Serena.  MISSION FAILED

Nothing we could do about that!  After Sern left, Ash and I watched Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo.
It was pretty, and I liked the soundtrack, but I felt that it was
very inconclusive.  I suggest you watch it if you are looking for some eye candy!