Saturday, February 26, 2011

Just wonder

Before I start this entry, please vote for me m(u__u)m

Please like the photo bellow. I'm not a particularly popular person, so I don't bank on winning this, but hey! Why not, right?

Sometimes I just sit there and wonder. I wonder about the simple things that are a part of my existence.

Sometimes, just sometimes, I wonder

why is my room such a mess?
Where did all of my money go?
Who is reading my blog?
How did I manage 1.5k hits last month?
Why is "CASIO :D" The most popular post even though it was posted in October?
How many people have I pissed off?
What are good marketing techniques that I can use?
What came first? The chicken or the egg?
How do some youtubers manage to update their channels so frequently?
Are there keyloggers on my computer?
How did I become so paranoid?
How to eBay users make money when they always offer free shipping?
What if I'm not "normal"?
Who are my friends?
Do I have friends?
What made me grow up thinking people could be "disposable"?
What is cool?
How far should I go to change myself is search of acceptance?
What is acceptance?
How many more days are there until summer break?
Do they love me too?
Is there anybody who loves me too?
Do they read my blog?
How much money does it take to buy her friendship?
How many hours does it take to buy her friendship?
How many lies does it take to buy her friendship?
Can I afford that?
Is she worth my time?
Are any of them worth my time?
Is this why I don't have friends at school?
Should I start being more like them and less like "me"?
Is Dream High like a Korean version of Glee?
Why is that show so popular? 2PM?
Would they every let me hold their hand?
why don't I ever get ear wax?
What makes my nose so oily?
Why does she never listen?
Why can't she just trust me?
Why does she never leaves me alone?
Why can't she just fucking listen?
Why does mom make me so fucking angry?
Why can't I have a lock on my door so she doesn't have to bug me 24/7?
Why has it always been so goddamn hard to communicate with her?
Why does she always make me repeat myself?
Why does she make me cry by showing she doesn't trust me?
Why do I always second guess myself?
Who am I?
Is this how things always were?
"How do you know if she likes you?"
Why did they ask me that?
Do I look like I'm experienced in romance?
Why aren't I doing my homework?
What makes a person qualify as gay?
Have I been reading too much yaoi?
Is it normal for me to question my sexuality?
Why is teenage life such a roller coaster ride?

That's what I wonder.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stupid old computer

I'm still using my old computer, FYI. I only use the new one with 8GB of ram for video editing >___>;;

Anyhow, I won't be posting any pictures today.
I can almost guarantee there was something I wanted to say, but it clearly slipped my mind.

After sitting down in my usually seat for math, I was startled to hear somebody scream out, "Rage quitter!" It was the impossibly tall boy from my Mandarin class. If you've already forgotten, I dropped out of mandarin last week. Apparently Mr. Lau was very angry that I dropped out, because he talked to the principal. Sorry, sir, but I've already done my time! I have no intentions of majoring in a language, so why should I waste time doing this. By sitting in Mandarin class with no ambitions, it would be a waste of my time, and insulting to the teacher. At this moment, I don't know how good my stats are, but I have a feeling that Mandarin (learned in my school) won't get me too far. I want to level up in the right places T___T

I need 28 credits for electives, and I'm not sure what courses I should take. Right now, I'm thinking of taking a business course next year. Ugh... I'll have to start a grade lower though, because I didn't take any business courses yet.


Today was pink shirt day. They were giving out free pins and had a "guess how many jelly beans" raffle in the foyer of my school. I didn't even know they were holding anything there until my friend's little sister swung by with a handful of pins. There were 2 minutes before lunch time ended, so I asked if _______ wanted to go down with me.

"No. I need to study for science."
"But you said it was open book . . ."
". . . ."
"Okay. Fair enough. I'm gonna go down, see you guys later."
Faked a smile, and packed my shit up.

I was down in the foyer very briefly, but it looked like people were having fun. Why do I sit in a corner for lunch everyday? I can't help but imagine that there be some interesting parts of school that I'm missing out on. More importantly, why do I sit with people who don't care about me? I mentioned how I wanted to transfer schools today, and you know what? They couldn't have cared less. Heck, I could disappear from this school, and nobody would be concerned.

There's this girl that I sit for during lunch. If I've learned anything, it's to keep blogs exclusively about myself and maybe friends. From that, I'm gonna keep it brief and say that I don't think she likes me. She seems rather cold towards me (and several other I've seen). With that being said, I've been rather cold too recently... Maybe I've scared everybody away.
When did it become so hard to smile? To be friendly, sweet, and welcoming.
Today I'm not sad; I'm confused.

I'm a loser. LOLWUT?! Yeah. My words fumble when I speak, and I crack stupid jokes. Slowly but surely,

I've become everything that I hate.

Monday, February 21, 2011

To Dear Darling

By the end of the day, I regret not bringing my cam to school T___T I saw a lot of interesting things. To begin, there was a microwave oven in the English classroom! wtf? Anyhow, it turns out a lot of students need to microwave their lunches during detention (remember the "umm..." detentions?). Next, our vice principal walked in with a giant case. The fact that I was sitting in an English class room, forced me to believe the case was filled with books for required reading. They were books; Mac books. JGHAG;KAHGFAFLGKJAFKJH. I literally start to freak out on the spot. My city isn't particularly wealthy, so I would have never dreamed to find such a fine collection of technology sitting in my school * A *

~ It was beautiful.

You know what else is beautiful? My class got our poetry assignments back today. Before any poems returned to our hands, our teacher offered to read the best love sonnet out my grade. He announced that the poem was a piece of work from our block. After explaining how it did not get full marks due to format error, he read the poem out loud. That awkward sensation of meeting an old friend overcame me. He was reading my poem! Luckily, it was left anon ;;( = U =)

I didn't tell any of my classmates it was my poem though. Not that it would really give them much insight on my love life, other than the fact that I'm still desperately single (CALL ME). Wanna read my poem? Maybe you can take credit for it, and get laid lots of compliments.

Their Sonnet - Dear Darling

They have stolen my heart away from me
They aren’t a prince or princess or perfect
But my Dear Darling stole my sanity
Clueless woodpecker at my heart they pecked.

What’s left? Empty case with holes here and there.
Darling don’t care, Darling don’t even know.
Darling loves them with blue eyes and blonde hair.
I’m a broken watch with no face to show.

But still thump, thump, thump is all I can hear.
Sweat because they run all day in my mind.
Phrases of affection fumble, cause fear.
Like confidence I have left it behind.

Even if I do love, Dear Darling don’t care.
Since they love them with blue eyes and blonde hair.


Lots of people like blue eyes and blonde hair, which leaves me to assume nobody will ever know who I like ): But hey, maybe they like poets :'D

I got to play with playdoh in biology today HEHEHEH! It reminded me, once again, how much I hate the smell of playdoh. That sweet, suffocating sent that reminds me of germ filled elementary classrooms. No thank you.

Here are some random pictures about my weekend,
and how I spend time at school (;


Sunday, February 20, 2011

200+ things about me

Ready for 250 questions?

Absolutely not.

Has someone ever told you they would be with you forever?

Not as far as I'm concerned, nope.

Last person you were in the car with?


Any plans for today?

Just got home from work, face trading, and loitering.

How long does it take for you to take a shower?

15-20 minutes
Click to read more . . .

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Etude House Follow Me Tint SPF 13

I know I normally don't post stuff up here about makeup, but this lip tint . . . OH MY GORD, I NEED A MIND CONDOM!!! Okay, so this stuff comes in the tube a teal colour, and when you put it on your skin, it turns PINK! It's all the fun qualities of a mood ring on your lips = U =

You may already know, but I don't speak a word of Korean, so I have no idea what the above says. However, what I do know is that I want one. Buy me one, and we can be friends ;D
Just kidding, but I do want to grab myself one of these lip tints purely for the novelty value.

I had work today. Some asshole came in saying that he was unhappy with service from another branch. WHY DON'T YOU GO TO THAT BRANCH, DUMBASS. He demands a free burger, but my managers tells him to go to the other branch for any issues, and that if he wanted. He eventually pays for one of the cheapest sandwiches on the menu, and demands for one of the large entree burgers. The mans loiters around the restaurant for a good few minutes, before we called the cops to take him away.

Prior to that, he said he was "on break". I told him that if he was on "break", this place probably wasn't the best place to be spending it. "You should go on break."

"... uuh, no. (shit, son. wtf)"

He starts hitting on me, but then I was saved by the authority of the POPO!! THANK YOU AUTHORITY~

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Shit day

I did not feel happy at by the end of today. On top of that, I forgot I had a ft "OTL Now I feel guilty for that.

Last night, I struggled to focus on completing my Mandarin project. Everyone else, like myself, have a lack motivation. By the time morning came, I'd had enough. There was no reason for me to force myself through a boring class. I dropped out = U =

it was the best thing that ever happened.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Function notation, not the Korean girl band. I'm talking about math if you still haven't gotten the point. I'm procrastinating, so I'll try to keep this as quick as possible.

I woke up this morning to the drumming of heavy rain. While brushing my teeth in the washroom, I looked up in the mirror only to find a raccoon glaring back at me. The all nighter I pulled the night before finally took it's toll on me, and I felt as if every part of me was crippled. To hide away my gruesome dark eye circles, I routinely painted on my concealer and got dressed.

After arriving at school, I sluggishly shuffled over to my English room. The trip from my locker to the classroom quickly felt meaningless. Soon after the the school bell rang, My class was dismissed from our daily poetry studies, and sent to the auditorium. Course planning. Half of the school year has already passed? Although I was oblivious to this fact, course planning came inevitably. The students from my English class (and only my English class) sat in the cavernous auditorium, which, today, seemed larger than usual.

Everybody wrestled to keep their eyes opened. Each student sat with an empty gaze while our counselor presented the information. Regardless that the discussion was important to my future, numerous times, I found myself almost falling asleep. During the brief moments I felt awake, my attention was stolen by the colourful screen saver on the projection. Don't be surprised if I don't graduate.

What I actually wanted to talk about was math class. We studies f(x) today. Our teacher reqested that each student write an example on a scrap piece of paper.

(dependent variable) is a function of (independent variable)

A simple example would be: Distance is a function of time.

After everybody finished scribing down something written in that format, our teacher asked us to crumple the paper up. For obvious reasons, the students were apprehensive or destroying fresh work, myself included. Our teacher reassured us to do so, and asked that the balls of paper, be thrown at her. Snowball-like papers flew to the front of the room. Others went racing at the faces of other students. hahahaha!

My teacher collected the papers are read them out loud. Some examples were simple, others were philosophical, and one in particular melted my heart.

- "My happiness is a function of the
amount of time I spend with the girl I like"

Please check out my shop (:

Time for me to slave over a project now.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I filmed that on my digicam, but I could hear my friend very well at the time. When I arrived home, and moved all of my photos to my hardrive, I heard her utter . . . the above. IT WAS SO FUNNY THOUGH LOLOL. I bursted out laughing, and I felt that it was necessary to share it with everybody else.

We were drawing in an Asian mall, because we're cool like that. She wanted to get a new drawing book, because the sketchbook she had was from the dollar store. In search of nice stationary, we found notebooks with grammatical nonsense instead... it just came to my attention that the dog might just have a really Shitty name; Let.

Sabs got the hunger, so we went to Candyland. I swear to god, they have a Candyland in EVERY Asian mall that exists. They always carry interesting stuff, and this particular CL had packets of Nutella ♥ I WANT THAT INSIDE OF MEEEEEEEEEE

I also enjoyed the packaging for the Super Lemon candies. POP ART ★  They also had this funny sign that said 3 for . . . . It was so cute ;___;

This is cute too. Why is everything so adorable? σ △ σ;;

This isn't cute, but a new Forever21 opened in RC this weekend. They gave out $21 gift cards to the first 300 customers who were at the door during their grand opening. Honestly, the only way I think anybody would wait in line for a mear $21 giftcard is because:

1. They live 5 minutes away from the mall, and wouldn't mind waiting.
2. They are a see lai and automatically want free shit.
3. They are an unemployed LG who thinks that waiting in line from 6am is SOOO worth it.
4. They are homeless.
5. They have no life.

Sorry to anybody who went, but if you actually went, and waited in the morning, I'm really disappointed in you! $21 is not worth my time. Especially if it's limited to being spent at one store ;;>____>

I love empty trains.This is A-tard's new water bottle. Isn't it interesting? It's like a Koolaids Jammer pack, but reusable! I guess she got a new one, because her old water bottle was REALLY dented. Hey, you can't dent a plastic bag, so I guess that's why she got it. LOLOLOL.

My dad found a camera (Yashica auto focus motor) back in October, but I never posted it. I still don't get how it "auto-focuses". I never hear anything moving inside . . . It's like monkey magic or something.

I only got one hour of sleep last night, and I wasn't even working on homework. I wasn't feeling depressed either, in fact, I felt very content with my life. ↑ That's how I keep my diary entries. OMG.. The last part is so CHEESY. Anyhow, that's how I spend my evening = =  I'm such a loser /SOBS

My happiness sank a little bit when I got to my locker today. A part of me felt so defeated, but I had a good day (:

"You can't always change those around you,
but you can always change yourself."

A goofy smile is something that I need to do for me.

much love

I couldn't sleep

It came to my attention that I never started an online course that I applied for, so I thought I would start.

I've changed the settings on my blog so that comments cannot be left as Anon. I have only received kind comments on my blog, but I'd like to put a name to each comment that I receive. There's no problem with me if you like to lurk though! This is just an attempt to make things more personal (:

And if anybody DOES want to leave asshole comments, they'll have to take to to log into an account to leave a comment (which will make you look super douchey)

Monday, February 14, 2011


I actually wasn't alone on Valentines Day :) Instead of grumpily sitting at home, I went out with one of my best buds (I'll call her Sabs this entry, cause I know she hates it). It was nice to laugh about stupid shit again, and inevitably, I felt the day was too short. Although I had a lot of fun goofing off, I felt very tired and sleepy. For some odd reason, the motherfucking sandman doesn't like to visit me early in the night. . .

My friend had to return something today, so we went to RC instead of Metro. Within the first minute of loitering in the mall, I spotted a familiar face. This isn't a common occurrence seeing as how RC is quite the journey away from my neighborhood. However, this wasn't a face from high school, it was a face from summer school.


I haven't seen him in ages! If it weren't for his awkward little waddle, I would have unknowingly strutted right past him. When I realised it was actually Danjew (Daniel), I paused for split second to say "Hey". I didn't stand around to chat, because I noticed my friend, Sabs had already teleported to the other side of the hall.

Her quick travel wasn't due to the fact she didn't notice me saying hi to Danjew, it was because Sabs was trying to avoid him hahaha. I think Danjew confessed his love to Sabs or some shit, and everything is all awkward. Should I be posting this? I don't think neither one of them follow my blog, nor do any mutual friends. SAFE?! I think it's cute, although it's like a cat and dog relationship. . . still cute.

Oh shit. Just had a 4 day long weekend and I don't even know what classes I have tomorrow. I'm not going to promise picture tomorrow, because I never do that. Instead, I will promise pics soon.


are you guys still lurking, or do those particular posts just happen to be popular?

And I would just like to repeat this once more: I'm sorry for offending any of my readers. The frontal cortex of my brain is still developing, and very often, my selection of words isn't very bright. From that, you'll find that I seem like a rather bitchy person from my blog posts. Not to say I'm not a bitch, but aren't we all from time to time?


I hate text messages, emails, and IMs. It's lovely how convenient they are, but I feel like true meaning and emotions can be lost behind uniform text. Although it isn't always possible to meet up face to face, I enjoy phone calls along with hand written letters/notes. (: Something about them feels so much more honest. Nowadays, I don't write in my diary too much. If I ever do, there are probably secrets pounding inside of my head asking to be let out. Maybe that's why I have this association between handwritten things along with honesty.

During my childhood, I spend a lot of my summer chatting on the phone with a classmates who only lived 3 blocks away. You might be wondering why we didn't just meet up face to face. Although it was only a measly 3 block distance, our families didn't like us going out very often. As 7 year old girls, cell phones weren't a common object, and I (only I) had no access to the internet. We would all spend our time after school chatting over the phone, creating characters as we made up make-believe worlds. To me, phone calls will always be genuine (with the exception of annoying telemarketing calls).

FYI, I can't sleep right now, so I thought I would post something longer today to make up for the lack of photography.

I'm gonna attempt putting my mind to sleep now. I haven't been crying myself to sleep recently, and today was a happy day.
much LOVIN'

P.S. To everybody this Valentines Day, hope you guys got l . . .

. . . lots of compliments.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Heart shapes

Vday is tomorrow! I'm spending it alone probably . . . Or maybe I have to go to the library and spend it practicing for mando. Note to self: Drop out of that course next year. Just gonna have to grin and bear it until then.

It's been feeling easier these few days, but without saying, there are moments when I still feel like a nuisance. The worst part is that I feel like a nuisance towards some of my close friends. When the last thing you're leaning on disappears, everything just comes tumbling down. Although I don't feel quite as depressed, it's still hard to fake that old corporate smile. Never in my life has it felt so impossible to curl my lips into a grin.

ice cold.
she doesn't
have to feel

Friday, February 11, 2011

At the mall again.

I went with my mom to the mall, and she bought a stroller for the baby. It was a really big box, and we asked this guy who worked there to carry it ALL the way across the mall. I felt kind of bad for him ;___;

I couldn't help but notice that there were these Ugg styles boots sold with boys' outfits for little kids. You rarely ever see boy who've gone through puberty in Uggs!

Afterward, my mom and I went to A&W to get teen burgers. OMG, they are so good~ Their burgers don't taste mass produced like certain other fast food chains. They should pay me for saying this >__>

Before leaving, I wanted to go to the dollar store to pick up white poster board. They didn't have any =___= I bought a new mug though. It's really big, so I can use it as a bowl too. It's all that and a bag of chips B|

They already had a bunch of Easter stuff put up, and my mom bought some lollies. There were marshmallow ones, but she didn't buy them. I'll post pictures up soon (:

I also found these mugs kinda funny. I WANT THEM ALL OTL

My mom said she need to buy rice wine, so we went to the liquor store. It would have smelled completely fine inside if it weren't for the homeless man who loitered about. I thought the bottle of sake was cute, so I took a picture of it. I can't stand alcohol, but it's so PURDY.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Love Sonnet.

The school week is finally over! Thank you, long weekend!

First thing in the morning, I had English class. All of the poetry that was been writing over the last month was to be handed in. After each student stapled their works of art together, our teacher read out one poem from each package; The love sonnet. Our last assignment was to write a love poem about "them".

We all sat on the table tops of our desks.

Our teacher delivered each piece without a name, so nobody was painstakingly embarrassed, but it did feel awkward hearing my own poem. It dulled compared to the beautiful, radiant poems other students submitted. However, it was really enjoyable! While some poems were pretty, others were funny, and one in particular was plain raunchy.

After studying so many poems, it felt a lot easier to write them. My writing didn't seem so much like a pathetic collection of rhymes anymore. By no means perfect, but much improved.

I got a DS recently. It's second hand, but who cares?! It was only $55 >D
I spent $85 total, because I also had to buy R4. ILLEGAL DOWNLOADING, HERE I COME! Parents are gonna be so proud of me, literally (I'm saving money 8D )

I found myself snacking on frozen peas recently. Who knew something so simply could be so satisfying. Mom's on maternity leave, so I only eat peas when she's asleep. Perhaps she was raised this way, but she never lets me eat to many frozen/raw vegetables.

I hate shopping at The Bay (Canadian department store), but whenever I'm downtown, mom always drags me in that direction. The worst part is that the downtown location has several levels (at least 7) . . . of pure boredom. From that, I always catch myself vLogging, or snapping photos when I'm in the building. However, there isn't really anything exciting to document OTL

Have I ever officially announced it? My mom is pregnant. I honest don't remember if i ever made any post about it here on blogger. Anyhow, it's Chinese tradition to brew something called 姜醋 (literally translates to ginger vinegar) for family and friends when you're pregnant.

My mom spent her afternoon peeling pound after pound of ginger.


Recently, a fellow classmate added me on facebook. This is never an issue except I didn't even know they were my classmate until I heard their name in class the following day.

How I function: Unless my classmates talk to me (or I find them insanely attractive) I will not remember names. And without a doubt, I have NEVER spoken a word to this person.

I am not the type of person to freely accept friend requests (for privacy reasons), so I chose to ignore this person's request as I would do with any other suspicious request. This guy messages me something in Chinese. Due to my poor literary skills in Chinese, I had to run some of it through an online translator:

"I know you are a girl, that's enough

This really confused me. Not because it was in Chinese, because it didn't feel relevant. Once again, I ignored it. The following day, this person messages me AGAIN in Chinese. Online translators suck eggs, so I decided to just ask the person to say it again in English. They did, and what he had to say was . . . well, it was what it was! Apparently some guy from school (we'll call him Bob) had told him I was 恐怖/hong bo.

  1. severe
  2. terrible
  3. cruel
  4. awful
  5. serious
  6. heavy
  7. violent
  8. very bad
Does it surprise me that people feel that way about me? No. I've been told before that my first impression is very "mean girl". What surprises me is that people would bother talking about it during a situation other than me asking "What was my first impression to you?".

Hey, Bob. 我得罪过你咩?
ngor yee wai nui jai seen zi gong see fei. lum mm hay nam jai do gum bat. >__>;;

Tis all

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Worry wart

I often worry that the wrong people from school are reading my blog. Silly, isn't it? I've intentionally made it public, but I can't help but fear.

Why don't you keep posts private?

The reason I blog and vlog is because in my heart, I am convinced that nobody wants to listen to me. Through the convenience of the Internet, I can reach thousands of people. Excuse me for repeating myself, but on the Internet, people have the option of listening to what I have to say. In real life, I feel like I'm giving people hell by speaking my mind.

If anybody from school is reading this... er... hey! Yes, I'm the awkward girl at school with short hair. LOL I don't think any of my underclassmen look up to me. I HOPE THEY DON'T. I'M NOT VERY IMPRESSIVE!

Thank you to everybody who has been reading my blog, and genuinely following me. I remember last year I made a silly video (OH LORDY) and it got way to many views from the student body. Hopefully at least 80% of you guys aren't here to ridicule me and my current situation.

And if you are here simply because you are happy to see me down, I'm sorry. I apologize for being bitter towards you.

I'm also sorry glaring at anybody in the hallway (although I normally avoid eye contact). I'm paranoid about so many things, and you can say I have trust issues.

Time to work on poetry. Maybe I'll post something up soon! And I'm sorry for the lack of photos in recent entries, I don't really want to get my but out of my chair~ On top of that, I haven't been carrying my camera around very much.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

black and white white white white

It's amost 2am, and I'm kinda hungry Q A Q

I kinda like how tired I feel right now. It's weird, but enjoyable.
p.s. Thanks, but your pep talk was *fa fa fa*. I'd rather listen to my mom bitch at me.
LOL. Definitely something I missed.

Random post tonight.

Monday, February 7, 2011


I feel like I lost my head. I suddenly don't know what I'm supposed to be doing anymore!

If anybody from my school is reading this, please return my pink binder if you've seen it. I just really want it back, because it would be nice to have it for studying purposed >___>;; I may have lost it, but after checking everyone of the classrooms I could have potentially left it in, and finding nothing, it's hard not to point fingers "OTL

I'm gonna keep hunting tomorrow. Cannot give up.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Goodbye mid years

After exams, I went to the mall, because I'm a mall rat. This is what I do. I was really tired, so I ordered a cup of coffee from McD's.
"Double, double please"
My tongue cannot handle hot food, so I walked around as I let my drink cool down. When I took my first sip, it wasn't sweet at all, so I figured they forgot to add any sugar. I didn't want to walk all the way back to the opposite side of the mall for a packet of sugar, so I drank it as is. I tried to savour my last sip when I was hit by this tsunami of sugary awfulness. Tell me why my coffee wasn't stirred.

Stripes are a trend now. If you walk into F21, it looks like oceans of lined paper.
Speaking of F21, I got package from them HAHAHAH YESSS! I'll share tomorrow if I have time, but it looks like I won't. Technically today, but you know what I mean. It's going to be the first day that everyone is my family will have a day off!

See those shoes? I want them. IRL, they are a light taupe colour. I like how they are lines with this floral print, and they only cost $12! I found these at Urban Planet; The one stop LG shop.

Rambling: I would have bought them, but then I remembered how I haven't been dressing particularly girly recently. The only shoes I've been wearing are my sneakers and working boots (is that what the style is called?). I really had to use the washroom while I was at the mall today, and it felt kinda awkward going into the washroom. Clearly, I'm a girl, but I was paranoid about people JUDGING ME FOR NOT LOOKING LIKE THE GENERIC IMAGE OF A FEMALE.
However, I have no regrets about cutting my hair.
In fact, I don't want it to grow out (;; ’ △ ‘) Why do I feel so uncomfortable in my skin sometimes?

It was really cold today, but I felt like taking snapshots in my front yard. I call this Rock, Grass and Leaves.


I know what you're thinking: What the freak am I looking at? I don't really know, but it looks cool. I have this obsession with the formations formed in frozen dirt. I want to post more of that tomorrow as well. HAHAH! Mom says it looks gross, but I think it looks like an underground, crystalline utopia. You can see rocks suspended by the ice.

Here's a video about how my exams went down. You can just listen to it as background noise or something:

Much love