Tuesday, December 28, 2010

30 Photo challenge

HEHE It looks like fun. I don't know if I should do it on blogger though D:

Aiya . . . I'll start When the new year begins (:

Day 01 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts
Day 02 - A picture of your best friend
Day 03 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show
Day 04 - A picture of something you cant live without
Day 05 - A picture of your favorite memory
Day 06 - A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day
Day 07 - A picture of your most favorite item/person
Day 08 - A picture that makes you laugh
Day 09 - A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most
Day 10 - A picture of the person you do the most craziest things with
Day 11 - A picture of something you hate
Day 12 - A picture of something you love
Day 13 - A picture of your favorite band or artist
Day 14 - A picture of someone you could never imagine your life without
Day 15 - A picture of something you want to do before you die
Day 16 - A picture of someone who inspires you
Day 17 - A picture of something that has made a huge impact on your life recently
Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity
Day 19 - A picture and a letter
Day 20 - A picture of somewhere you'd love to travel
Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget
Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at
Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book
Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change
Day 25 - A picture of your day
Day 26 - A picture of something that means a lot to you
Day 27 - A picture of yourself and a family member
Day 28 - A picture of something you're afraid of
Day 29 - A picture that can always make you smile
Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Bacon Cupakes for Christmas

I made cupcakes with Sern on Christmas Eve. If you've been on youtube a lot, you may have seen videos by EpicMealTime. Oh my lord. Bacon strips, bacon strips, bacon strips. As a joke, I suggested we make bacon cupcakes.  My curiosity got the best of me, and I went to the grocery store that morning to buy bacon "orz

While making the cupcakes, we realised that we didn't have any baking soda. Trust me when I say "We would definitely fail foods if we took that course together."

Asides from missing ingredient, we didn't measure too much stuff out. "Eh. Close enough."

In case you're wondering what a bacon cupcake tastes like: Chocolate mooncake. HAHAHA!
The bacon tastes like ham dan wong.

Me and ze Sern are natural born assholes, so we had to feed a bacon cake to our friend, the Grand Fag General. We grinned as he worked his way through the cupcakes.

Sern: Do you like bacon?
GFG: Uhhh.... yeah. Did you put bacon in these?


Go to cripple gay boy's house, vandalize his property. All "art work" done by Sern.

Gifts HEHEHE It was so cutely packed (> ω <)
Sadly, dainty things aren't flattering on my fat neck "orz

Thanks for the lotion. ^^ good for my skin.

later... I have to work boxing day AND Monday ):

Friday, December 24, 2010

Something new

Earlier this week on Monday, I cut my hair short >8D HEHEHEHEHE!
I also uploaded a new vid (○ ω ○)b Do you guys see how freaking pink my cheeks are? I need to get some toner, because there is something desperately wrong with my skin ATM ///

I cut some more of my hair off after I made the vid, so it might look a bit diff now. After my turmoil as to whether or not I should cut my hair short, I'm thinking of dying it blonde or maybe light brown. It's always a pain to dye my hair, but it looks a lot easier when it's short (: My skin colour isn't that light though,
and this could be a very bad idea (Q ω Q);;; On top of that, there is also the possibility that my mom will disown me PERMANENTLY LIKE MY HAIR COLOUR! AIYA!

Seeing as how so few of my YT subs actually read my blog, I'll treat my readers with the reason I cut my hair >D There are actually a few:
1. It's more convenient
2. I thought it might look kinda cool
3. Stop the haters . . . jks. to stop the LG hunters.

It came to my attention that I was quite susceptible to the view of LG hunters. With short hair, I will slide past the radar HEHE. Also decreases chances of getting raped when I'm out late . . . but then again. If somebody is willing to go out and rape someone, I guess then would go for ANYTHING

Honest to god, guys scare the crap out of me. Not all guys, but there are those guys who simply give me the creeps. This also takes me back to a conversation I had with Nate. Guys who just go for looks. By no means am I trying to say that I look super attractive, but lets just say I look better with the shit ton of makeup I paint on my face. It's obvious that looks are a big part in starting a relationship; people are more likely to talk to the pretty mofo at the party versus the awkward looking mofo at the party. HOWEVER, at my age, I think 99.9% of guys just really, really, really want to get laid.

IRL scenario:
This guy just broke up with his girl friend, and he began to think with his genitals. Something about wanting to have angry sex? Make up sex? Sex period

Due to this, when a guy says they're interested in me and then ASK IF I WANT TO HANG OUT, I reject that shit automatically. I'm not interested in your courtship, hun~ Based on first impressions, I will decided whether or not you're a perv, and as I've said time and time again, I probably already think you are. Judgmental? Yes. Do I care what you think? HAHAHHA no.

Okay. I need to get up freaking early tomorrow to pick up some stuff from the supermarket tomorrow. Baking cupcakes with my lovelies o3o
♥ pk

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My make-up mask

I thought I would go to school with only concealer on yesterday. It wasn't a big deal for me, seeing as how I'm not addicted to makeup. However, during the last block of the day, one of my classmates said
"... where is you beauty?"
She didn't mean this in an offensive way. This girl is the type of person who speaks in a blissfully ignorant way. Kinda like my BFF, Ahaha. ANYHOW, I was slightly offended.
Even when somebody accidentally hits you, it still hurts a little.

Now that I think about it, I haven't actually gone to school without makeup since grade 8 .___.""

lazy typing day. Latez

Friday, December 3, 2010


Dude . . . Shoes. Let's get some shoes. If you visit the Aldo website, you will see that they are not only having a big sale, but there is also a free shipping promotion! HOW FREAKING AWESOME IS THAT?! UGHHHH URGE TO SPEND LARGE MASSES OF MONEY!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Camwhore in public

I decided to go shopping today even though it was freezing cold. Most of my money probably went to buying food ;____; BUT IT WAS WELL WORTH IT, because my stomach was happy - U - When I first arrived to my selected shopping location, my grumbling belly lead me over to A&W.

Ended up eating an UNCO SIRLOIN. It was massive B| After that, I went to Mcd's for a cup of free coffee. The person who grabbed my order gave me my coffee with double cream, NOT DOUBLE DOUBLE T_____T SOBS. WHERE MY SUGAR AT?! DISAPPOINT, DISSAPOINT.

This is where I camwhored. Can you guess where I was shopping at? The picture is photoshopped. LET'S SEE WHICH LOCALS KNOW THIS LOCATION OHOHOHO.

After observing the time stamps on the pictures I took today, it has come to light that I spend a lot of time camwhoring on a regular basis. Luckily, there weren't a lot of people in the area that I was taking pictures at. Only a single woman who was walking her dog.

I think I spent at least 40 minutes taking pictures HAHAHA! OH GAWD! I am so self centered.
It was a lot of fun, but my hands were freezing from the cold air.
After my hands went completely numb, I finally brought myself to go shopping, and I bought some stuff! OHOHO.
I'll post it tomorrow with pictures. :D

Don't the orange leaves look pretty against the green grass? I think so. Unfortunately, I probably won't be able to see them tomorrow. It began to snow this evening, and it snowed HARD. All the pretty colours will have to hide under the white sheet.

stay warm

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The FB shop

Hey, ended up slacking all day. ANYHOW, I just wanted to share this:
If you try to find it, search up Vint Age Hime

^that's the link FYI, I'm gonna sell my old clothes, some cosmetics, and false lashes for $8/10pairs. Gonna try and clean out my room this way HAHA. FB suspended me, so I can't add friends for too days. PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT MY LITTLE SHOP, AND ASK PEOPLE WHO YOU THINK WOULD BE INTERESTED TO JOIN OTL.

There's a picture of me camwhoring, because I know you wouldn't like to read all the text without pics.

I know what you're thinking, they're supposed to be AVATAR coloured... STOP BEING SO PICKY. Jks. Thanks for reading!


Saturday, November 13, 2010

Oh, boy! It's almost 10

What do ya know? Tomorrow is the last day of my long weekend.

Perhaps it's the fact that I haven't done any homework that makes this delightful little four day weekend feel so wrong. Anyways, I'm gonna go watch a movie over at my friend, Asho's house. If all goes well, and nobody decides to cancel, my little trio of friends shall attend to watching Paprika >D

Don't you hate it when people flake out on you last minute? Unless somebody in their family is hospitalized, or being pursued by loan sharks, or if they're in the hospital because they were being pursued by loan sharks, THEY BETTER HANG OUT WITH YOU! Okay, maybe we're not all that important, but who can deny the let down you feel when your "bff" suddenly says "Oh, never mind, can't go ______ with you anymore". Worse yet, the follow up of some pathetic attempt at an apology. AND JUST WHEN YOU THOUGHT IT COULDN'T GET ANYMORE FREAKING WORSE; What if they don't even apologize.

For all those people who say "Let do _____ together." casually. They should think if they actually have the time. All at the same while, consider whether or not YOU, the individual who is reading this, casually accepts/cancels invites.

If it's some massive party where your attendance won't be recognized until pictures on FB are posted, it's easy to understand why you would cancel. But let's say it's a couples thing (not necessarily lovers, just two people). One less that two is one, and just one is simply no fun. Thought about this while thinking about something Nate told me, and about something my bbycakes told me. The idea of leading people on.

What's the point in formalities of saying yes to an invite if you're only going to rudely waste somebody's time later by canceling?

Really random, but I got a new cell phone charm thingy. Spotted at the mall while I was shopping with my BFFL, AND IT WAS SO FREAKING SOFT. IT'S LIKE THE CUTENESS OF A 1000 PUPPIES COMPACTED INTO THE FUN SIZE SHAPE OF A TINY TEDDY BEAR!. OH MY BUDDHA, IT IS SO AMAZING.... sorry... I just thought it was pretty cool...


-pk ♥

Being with you

Being with you is like
watching TV on mute,
eating those crap 100 calorie snacks,
waiting in the doctors office ,
failing an assignment,
sitting on new glasses,
choking myself,
not getting picked in class when you have your hand up,
sitting nowhere with nothing but darkness,
drinking my own tears,
standing on a busy corner with a sign that says punch me in the face,
speaking to the automated message on voice mail,
having my reflection scowl at me,
going to a food bank and have people tell me I deserve to starve,
Being unhappy.

I'm "brewing coffee", but the filter doesn't keep it from tasting bitter. Chewing on coffee grinds is strictly for my closest friends and I.

XOXO (as a tribute to what my school buds are raving over now.) orz

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Adaptive radiation

I was supposed to have PE last block today, but it was raining cats and dogs and the gym was being used (for this conference about whether or not a certain elementary school should be closed). Instead of running around in the cold muck outside, my class took part in a game of pictionary. It was fun. Something we had to guess was "Southern California". One of the girls on my team started to sing California girls and somehow we came up Southern Cali.... HAHHAAHA

On my way home, I spotted some clothes up in a tree. It isn't crazy, but it seemed oddly funny at the time. Actually, it's still pretty funny now.

Adptive Radiation

I had intended on typing up a long entry on this idea that's been running around in my head for the past little while, but it's getting awfully late.

ARGH! For the sake of my well being (I need sleep too!) I'll try my best to summarise my thoughts.

I pray that not too many of my friends read my blog, because regardless or whether or not you all pick up the subtext, I'm talking about you! Today's entry is no exception.

Adaptive radiation is the idea that a certain species will take up a niche that is open, and will then go through evolution to be more fit to its environment.... I think that's how it works.

We've all made at least one close friends during our years in elementary school. We laughed, played tag, and built trust with those new found companions. Without realising, everyone seems to have found their own little families. I remember hanging out with the same four friends for the longest time, and I even remember how I had the title of "leader", as if we were in a band. It wasn't until one of the girls in my little group moved to a new school that relationships seem to shift so much.

During the year end field trip during fifth grade, two girls from my former group of four decided to leave me for the "popular girls". By no means was I surprised by their decision. It was clear to me that being part of that particular crew had always been part of their interest. And luckily for me, I still had my loyal friend, Freyja (silent J).

The summer that follow fifth grade, my parents told me I had to move. New part of town, new neighbours, new school. A tragedy at the time, but boy, am I glad to be here! I enjoyed my last years of elementary with new friends, and every one of them had made such a great influence on me. Before attending this new school, I suppose you could say I was a potty mouth. That changed... HAHAHA

Errr. . . It's really late now. I didn't get to talk about my point LMFAO! OH WELL. THERE'S SOME OF MY LIFE STORY


Friday, October 22, 2010


I still have whiplash from two days ago. This means I can't whip my hair back and forth T___T

Went out and about with the Sern today.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's up!

Today, I was supposed to go practice a Mandarin skit with my group. As irresponsible as it may sound, I skipped. Why would anybody want to waste such a wonderful 4 day weekend recited the lines to some story about 4 blind men and an elephant?! Originally, I had the legit reason of not going due to the pink eye I contracted on Friday, but it cleared up nicely of the weekend. I worked grave yard last night, and the last thing I wanted to do was . . . well, that.
Let me explain to you the type of person I am in group projects. If it seems as though most people in my group are unguided, I will take charge as leader. When it is evident that somebody else seems to be having and agonizingly fun time micromanaging the project, me no care. This is one of the reasons I don't like working with overachievers who like to be in charge of everything.

a) they piss me off, because they act all high and mighty
b) you can't really feel happy in the group, because they always seem angry at something
c) can't feel productive.
d) bitch, plz. Take a chill pill.

Organize! Don't do everything and blame others for being lazy. I'm beginning to see why people judge this partner I speak of. They called me EVERYDAY! EXCUSE ME! I'm reading comics while scratching my butt. Cannot I not enjoy my evening without having my mum barge in with the phone?


I think she's convinced that my mando is pretty shit, because she was saying that I should practice blah blah blah. Gosh, woman! This is supposed to be a simple project. Why are you making it some big production.

HO FAN AH! DING MM SOON AH! jashfjgahgakjhg

Okay. Here are some photos I edited today, cause I noticed they were really dull.
I took a picture of them off my desktop, because I don't have a USB orz

Somebody's backyard

This is my favourite photo in terms of one I've taken
myself ""orz

A picture that I start in July, but didn't pick up until . . .
this evening.

Laterz, hiking tomorrow!

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Awww . . . it's a B. Mother >____> It's so hard to put an effort into stuff when it seems so basic. It's like asking somebody to divide 6 by 2, and asking them to show their work! You just don't want to do it. Change the settings to Adobe RBG 1998, the resolution, blah blha blah! I'm not looking at my monitor right now so I don't know what I'm typing DRURRR . . . people are doing presentations on digi photo related sites. ///Everybody sounds like a robot, and I want to shoot myself. WTH oral presentations should not be done by reading off of a sheet of stinkin' paper. ARHGHGHGHGHADGALKJSDLKJFA... I sense that this is a class more or less based on theory. A photographer in the . . . oh shit. I don't know what I just typed. A photographer in this class with raw tallent will not get good marks if they forget to put their project in a certain setting OAO I have no tallent and I don't follow instructions, so somebody is screwed. WTF people are giving 10/10 ratings for websites. WTH! that is stupid! THESE SITES CANNOT BE PERFECT ;____;

Damn... In didn't bring my digi cam today, AH MA~~~~~~~~~~~

I'll post pics some time soon. My old 1981 cam >___> I should ask Mrs. Wakeling about my cam next week.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

The best part about bio is that you can eat your assignment afterward =U= I'm feeling kinda lazy to blog about stuff. Maybe another time?


Monday, September 13, 2010


School was pretty chill today. I had an assembly, and missed an entire block of math > <
Photography is so boring. But, whatevs.

Next block, I had biology. So chill! We just made boats of tinfoil, and put them in tanks of water. After that, somebody would put pennies in it. AHHAHAHA! We had to use everything seen bellow. We did not just tape random shiz in our boat (partnered project).

A candle was lit, so when your boat went down the candle would go out too.

Our boat carried the most pennies. F*CKYEAH B| People with the most, and least sturdy boats got lollies HERPDERP. I didn't want mine, so I gave then to Lana. She likes sweets, so it was a thoughtful donation >D

TIRED g'night

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hormonal disorder, and broken records

Those moments when your throat dries up, you bite your lower lip as your nose burns bright red, and your vision is fogged with tears.

I felt like crying all day today. On top of the lack of sleep, and raging teenage hormones, there are certain other matters that make things worse. I went to the mall with my friend, and she said that I always look like as if the waterworks would start any minute. As any person would do, I sucked it up and slapped on a smile. "Haha. Do I?"
If rivers began to form on my cheeks, my buddy probably would avoid asking me questions like "What's wrong?" Why risk making things awkward though? It was best to keep all bodily fluids in.

The reason I've been feeling so crummy recently is . . . because I'm awkward. Although, you probably already know that. Easily voted to be one of the most awkward people in the existence of humankind! Okay, perhaps that was an exaggeration. I'm going through one of those mood swing things again where I cry uncontrollably. I don't have a tissue, dang it! High school leaves this teenage soul feeling rather dejected and unwanted. It's not that there aren't any friends in my life, but I don't get the idea that they would be my SUPER PALS! Yenno what I mean? People who I can talk to about whatever, etc. I miss k-gr5 so much.

These are the types of moment where you would seek for your friends to vent on, but I don't really have that at the moment. Kinda long distance right now. All I really want is a hug, BUT I DON'T FREAKING LIVE IN ASIA AND BITCHES BE HOMOPHOBIC.

Knowledge given to others about yourself is like handing over a gun to the enemy, but I don't even care right now. I feel so bummed out. This girl is a broken record. She has nothing interesting to say

If vocal ensemble is still open for auditions, I might go. Bad timing, my throat is killing me.


Stranded (Day 1)


Today . . . I guess it was technically yesterday, was the first day of school. How was it? Awful. There is but one thing that can describe how I feel about being at school: Forever alone O^O God forbid that anybody from school reads this! Although, I supposed it is inevitable for at least one person to stumble across this post (and thank you for reading). Back to being socially awkward. As I've posted before, I don't share too many common interests with my lunch buddies. Although I feel the obligation to call them my friends, they don't seem like what a friend should be in my eyes. Don't get me wrong, they've treated me very nicely throughout my high school career. What bugs me is that it always feels impossible to initiate conversation. In fact, it's difficult to the point in which they shut me down as soon as I great them with "Hi". The only time I can have a decent chat with my lunch buddies, is when they're alone (and I mean this literally). During an isolated situation like this, they are forced to converse with awkward little me. I feel BAD for talking to people T____T During conversations, my "friends" often express something along the lines of having been forced to write lines! Is it that agonizing to speak with me? Alva transfered to my school, so I spoke with him during lunch. He didn't shut me down, so that was nice ""orz HS is currently a rather dull point in my life. By no means am I enjoying (most) of the people that surround me. Mind you, there are some kind folk. Suzanna's cousin seems like a nice person. Very upbeat, but she's in gr12, and so is Alva QAQ Why can't nice people be in my classes! OH! Judy is gonna be in my bio class. That should be fun.


If I haven't mentioned previously, I once took a public speaking course. Was it hard? No, but it did get me shaking and nervous. With the hard work came improved public speaking skills.
What does this mean? I'm less likely to use stupid pausing words (umm, like, so...) I still use them on the occasion though. Nobody is perfect, myself included. I can conjugate a sentence in my head without thinking over how to word it in a way that sounds ... well, more though out. Very important, I have the confidence to voice my opinion during class. Whether that be a good or bad thing is beyond me, but it feels good to know my ideas are out their. Easily one of the main reasons this blog exists. You and I both know that there won't always be somebody to lend an ear for your everyday adventures. Instead of killing somebody's free time, you can just type it all out.


Excuse as I act as a hypocrite for a moment. I strongly believe that if you have nothing to say, keep it to yourself. Probably stupid of me to say, seeing as how I blog about stuff all the time. Probably gonna be my goal for the new school year. Back to goal setting later.

I was at work today, and some coworkers were talking about how the employee of the month didn't deserve that position. Who were they to say that _________ didn't work hard! She was training so many people over summer! Personally, I think she works very diligently and didn't deserve that unnecessary comment. Why talk BS? Just work harder >___> It really bugs me when people say they dislike a teacher when they're getting a bad mark. got 65%? Are you working hard? If not, it's YOUR fault that you're not an A student. AIYA! (Although, there are some teachers who just DISLIKE you)

• Avoid singling out individuals, and judging VERBALLY (The mind wanders, and I can't help it)
• Be more humble. I'm a teenager, but it's no excuse to have an ego
• Be punctual.
• work efficiently
• Make more friends OTL
• balance life/prioritize
• Try to not dress like a slob everyday.
• restrain spending habits
• eat (Totally skipped dinner today. regretting. Only had soup and ice coffee LIQUIDS D8< )
• not to offer out help too easily.
• Develope MU routine that is faster. Skip the lashes?....


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo

Is it possible to be JUST friends with someone you wanna be with?
Yes. I want to be with my family and friends.

Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
As selfish as it sounds, I hope so.

What's the last thing you put in your mouth?

Where is your biological father right now?
Somewhere on the island.

When's the last time you screamed really loud?
last time I watched my friend play GTA really poorly

Are you a bad influence?
Sometimes. Aren't we all?

Can you honestly say you're happy right now?
I'm blissfully confused

If you could erase someone from your life who would it be?
Mister stingy

Do you currently have a hickey?

What color are your eyes?
Dark brown

Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
forever alone

What was the last thing you watched on television?

Will tomorrow be better than today?

Would you rather fly, drive or travel by train?
I would fly into train driver.

Did you cry today?

Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
Grandpa got it from China

Could you date someone taller than you?
Yes. It's kinda the norm?

Did you hug someone today?
Nobody to hug.... nobody lets me hug them.

Do you miss the way things used to be?
You mean no homework and nap time? yeah.

Is your life anything like it was a year ago?
Simply in terms of summer, yes. It was a roller coaster.

Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
Yes; I'll never get one. Not my thing

If you could change your eye color would you?
Light brown.

What happened at 10:00am today?
Sleep. Maybe get waken up by phone company "Would you like a trial service pack." "No" "It's free for th-" "No"
So annoying! DO NOT WANT, OKAY?!

Do you ever get good morning texts from anyone?
;____; nope

Where is your cell phone?
on my bed

Do you think people talk about you?
Yeah. Not necessarily in a negative sense, but also not necessarily in a positive sense.

Is the last person you texted male or female?

Have you argued with anyone today?
Like, hardcore? No. Just petty disagreements.

Do you like your life?
Going through a slightly poopy day today.

Are you shy?

Do you have any summer plans yet?
Watch movie with friends.

List one of your biggest fears:

Whose hoodie did you wear last?
My own OAO

Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
Very often

What are you listening to right now?

Have you ever liked someone older than you?
I think so.

Did you know that pickles have no calories?
That cake is a lie. Pickles contain 60 calories. Cuccumbers on the other hand only have 8.

Do you like the smell of Febreeze?

Do you own a digital camera?
Yes. I want a new camcorder now.

Did you climb trees when you were younger?

Were you in a good mood today?
I was tired. I felt bad because my friend said I looked really bored. Then I felt guilty for not looking happier T______T Sorry, love.

Is it alright to curse in front of your parents?
Yeah. Mom just gets all "be more lady like"

What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had?
Matcha boba

Whose bed were you on last, besides your own?
Oh, damn. So hard to remember. Probably Ashley's parents? Cause her computer is in that room.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating?
No doubt.

Sleep with the fan on?
Rarely. The fan heats up in the back overtime, so I try not to.

Would you kiss the person you last kissed again?
My mother? A kiss from YEARS ago. Probably not. I'm kinda old for that.

Think a lot before you fall asleep?
Yeah. keeps me from sleeping.

Do you want to see someone right now?

Are you highly attracted to someone right now?

Is it easier to pretend everything's okay for you?
nope. I need to rage.

If someone looked ON your bed, what would they find?
a hot mess

Was last night terrible?
No. The night before.

Have you ever snuck someone over to your house?
Everybody is welcome here.(almost)

If you could have one thing right now what would it be?

Do you hate it when people try to play with your hair?
Only if they have dirty hands.

Someone knocks on your window at 3am, what do you say?
"Oh #&@% !!! IT'S JUST A DREAM"

Do you find it in your heart to forgive?
No. I hold grudges. T____T

Do you ever get paranoid when someone is reading your text messages?
Nope. Nothing personal. Texts about the next bus arrival, telling me to wake up, work, etc.

Did you speak to your father today?

How do you feel about girls who smoke cigarettes?

If someone liked you, would you want them to tell you?
"Hey pretty thang!" JKS JKS. Let me know so I can put them out of their day dream?

Has anyone told you they never wanna lose you?

Would you be able to name everyone you kissed this year?
Didn't kiss anyone QAQ

How many drugs are in your system?
1 - YOUR LOVE IS MY DRUG. Yenno what? I don't get any of that, so, none.

The person who hurt you the most calls and needs you, do you go?
Ye- no

What's on your schedule for tomorrow?

Do you always answer your texts?
nope. Only ones that need replies

Do you fall for people easily?
define easily.

When is the next time you will kiss someone of the opposite sex?
Durrr..... forever alone, so . . . .

What's your current mood?

Are you afraid of losing the last person you talked to?
MOM~ yes.

Do you think you are a good person?

Babe or baby?
Baby. Babe is eh.

When's the last time you stayed up late because you were talking to someone?

Have you done something recently that you regret?
yeah. Looking bored TODAY!

Have you ever kissed someone who was over 21?

Could you go the rest of your life without doing any drugs?

Is it ever too late to apologize?
LOLOL Nope! It can be too late to apologize to expect acceptance though.

Do you have a secret that you've never told ANYONE?
Yeah.... wait. Never mind. I told somebody, and tried to cover it up as a LIE!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bored in the summer heat

I wish I remembered to clear the memory card in my camera before I left the house, because I couldn't take any pictures today! Not that there was really anything worth taking a picture of today, but it's one of those things that make you feel safe. Somewhat similar to having a teddy bear at hand when watching a thriller. Speaking about movies, I went out to watch Scott Pilgrim today. It was pretty cool movie (O U O);; In case you don't know, I'm not the type of person who willingly goes to a theatre. Reason: MOVIE TICKETS DON'T COME CHEAP! I had been told that Scott Pilgrim was a good movie, so I thought it would be worth a sacrifice from the wallet. Reluctantly, but never the less, my feet took me to the theatre. Not what I had expected by any means, but awesome none the less. The way it was edited kept making me think "WHOA! LIVE ACTION". Well, it was a live action. Based off graphic novel = live action. There was this one scene where this character named Natalie was performing on stage, and you could see he silhouette as she took off her jacket. When the lights came on to reveal her face, she looked like she had cosplayed Misa from Death Note HAHAHH!

Be strong! Give the lady your money. IT WILL BE WORTH IT Q^Q

Lucky for me, there's this special on Tuesday; But a ticket, and get free popcorn and drink > U <>___>;; Maybe this is how stuff balances out; Girl drag boys to go shopping in fragrances that cause migraines, and boys get girls sit in the dim agony of the arcade.

I remember spending loads of money there as a young child, and decided to refrain from shooting zombies or embarrassing myself through DDR. Instead, I watched my friends play Jubeat. It's this game with this touch screen panel with 16 squares (4x4). When a square lights up, you hit it. I'm really bad with games like that, because I get these mental break downs. Typing is hard enough, never mind gaming! I think I'll stick to platform games.

Gamer child's YT stuff >___>;;:

YENNO WHAT I WANT TO PLAY?! Mario on Super Nitendo ;U; That was the best, but it's so hard to find anybody who owns the system. I remember my cousin, Jason, had Super Nintendo, Sally too. I WANT TO PLAAAY!! To this day, I think Super Nintendo was the only thing I was ever okay at.

Mum's talking about how I used to get nose bleeds as a child! HAHAH! I used to get them or 45 minutes >___> Sucked, but I got to miss class chilling in the infirmary which was never really much of an infirmary. Never mind, we used to call it "the office" or "the nurses office"
A room consisting a cot, stupid grey comforter, and a bunch of other stuff that you hope won't kill you.

My friends and I wandered for a a while before confirming a trip to Chapters (book store). When we first arrived, all of my friends were checking out these interior design books, a topic that is beyond my interest. Rather than forcing myself to look interested in a book about the oh so exciting world of walls, chairs, and centrepieces, I went to the MANGA section. Still disappointing, because I couldn't find any titles I was interested in. My good friend, Sern, walks over and joins me. We both scan the two bookshelves that contain books filed under the "Manga" section. She picks up this book, and says the main character is a Fujoshi. Don't know what that is? Somebody who has interest in boyxboy stuff. YENNO WHAT I MEAN *NUDGE NUDGE*. A girl who was sitting near by overhears our conversation, and joins in. I begin to chat with her, and I find out that she's a Fujoshi like myself AHAHAHH! We exchanged e-mails. I found out that there's actually a main cafe in town... I might visit it tomorrow with my friends. We're gonna eat REAL slow, and draw. Reviews state that it's a nice quiet atmosphere OAO)b

I haven't drawn in a long time, so excuse the . . . weirdness? Drew that at a food court! HAHAH! I can't work at home T3T

Really tired, gonna go play Robot Unicorn Attack.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


My spending habits are awful during the season of Summer. Over the course of 5 weeks, my bank account has been purging money. Asides from the fact that I am desperately poor, I kinda want to make an order from ELF "orz. They came out with these $1 lipsticks! They have a light pink shade called Classy, but I don't know if it's pearl colour. Even if my pockets weren't empty, all the shades I want are out of stock (TT____TT);; Why can't dollar stores here carry nice cosmetics?!
Yesterday, I had my Japanese final exam. It was so easy! I thought it would be a lot harder, because I forgot it was multiple choice. Everyone was aloud to leave after 1 hour. This is the first time that I've taken less that the entire given time to complete an exam.

Here I am, some 30 minutes away from home. For obvious reasons, I didn't want to hang around, so I went home with some friends. We all went to my friend's house, Ash, to bake cookies. In the beginners class, there's this guy named Daniel. He's the one who insisted on baking. It was odd, because we found out that his parents own a BAKERY.

You might know Daniel. He has a dA account. He poses as a father of an AUTISTIC SON! If you ever get the chance to meet this boy, your first impression of him will be something along the lines of

"Gosh, he must be rather stupid and awkward."
After finding out about his dA account, you will think
"He is so cheap! SO STUPID!! Yet . . . what an ingenious idea of getting page veiws."
You now hear that he plays the piano.
"Such a goof. His piono playing skills must be mediocre."
He begins to play.
You find out that he's at a level good enough to be a teacher.

What an unpredictable person.

After baking cookies, we wanted to watch a movie. What would be good though. Daniel suggested a HK movie called Inferno Affairs, which sounded like a must see after finding out it was a thriller. Sadly, none of us could find the canto version streaming T___T It was the biggest battle trying to convince Ash's lil sis into letting us watch something that WASN'T a Ghibli Studio film. She made it quite blatently obvious, although without saying, that she wanted to watch Spirited away. I can't lie, she was being rather difficult in my eyes. When we asked her to help us find Infirno Affairs (since she was sitting ta the computer) she googled it, and gave up. LADY! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO WATCH IT, SAY SO. THAT WAY I CAN LET YOU KNOW THAT YOU FREAKING WANT TO WATCH INFIRNO AFFAIRS. We ended up watching Spirited away in the end anyhow. Luckily, I never tire of that film.

I bought so many cons today OTL! Super Nudy pink, Nudy blue, Super Angel brown, Nudy brown. I don't have any cases for them yet, so I'll have to wait a week before I try any of them on T___T Not gonna lie. The lenses from the Super lines kinda worry me. I have small eyes, and I might look like a bug <(; A ;)> AIYA!

Okay! I gotta go study for Science.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

One shit summer

Hey, everybody. Summer is one of the most amusing times of the year. I was really looking forwards to having fun, and I did have a lot of fun. Unfortunately, as all things seem to be, good comes with bad. Daddy was out all day yesterday, at the freaking casino. Seriously, it's just heart breaking for everybody in the family. I was tearing up at the dinner table today, because it just hurts to think about how he could be back to his old habits. You ever get the feeling that things happen in waves? It's almost as if history just came up behind me, and kicked me in the ass. Recently, and old friend named Olivia messaged me. It was a nice chat about good old times. The thought of dad gambling on everything our family owns is just a fucking nightmare. I'm sorry, guys. I just feel so freaking bad right now TAT

Sunday, July 4, 2010


I'm sad~ I couldn't go to work on Thursday, because I was camping. I asked this guy names Dennis if he could take my shift. Originally, he said "No, I have a friend who's birthday is on Thursday." Later, he says "I guess I'll take that shift." This would seem like a legit reason to believe that he would be taking my shift. At 2:30pm, I bus to work just so I can check my schedule. While trotting to the staff room in the back, I bump into the schedule manager. She tells me that NOBODY took my shift. . . what the fuck. srsly, wtf. Either he didn't go, or the managers didn't know that he was taking my shift. Oh, well. It was my fault. I should have marked that day off earlier.

On a . . . more neutral note. I went to Richmond today . . . alone. LOL! I went to Yaohan to grab some boba, and then headed over to Aberdeen's food court. I sat there for an hour trying to draw something. It's not very impressive in terms of how much I drew 6___6;;

That's what I did at Aberdeen. I drew that in the food court after I saw some guy with cool hair >D I was such a rebel! Sat there for an ENTIRE hour with food I bought from out of the food court C: jks jks

I started to CG it, but it looks so UGLY T__________T I don't wanna do this!

This is another drawing I drew there. My first intentions of going out was to draw something like this. Originally, I was gonna leave because I was feeling so tired, but I decided to do this first. Her arms are kinda stubby, but I'll fix that later. At least I like her face :D UGH! it's so proportionate, but this is a challenge, because I usually draw people just STANDING there "orz.

Tis all!


Monday, June 28, 2010

No fish bait, just jail bait.

Hello my lovelies, it has been a long time since I've sat down to type away. What shall I talk about . . . . my break thus far, camping, and Vlogging (more on the lacking of).

My break has been quite busy, just as I had planned. I have concocted a schedule of unnecessary daily trips to the mall, work, and summer school. Guilty as charged, I'm a mall rat. I don't want to go everyday, but there always seems to be some excuse for me to be there: Friend invites me, lack of food, or maybe I just got the cash I needed to buy that awesome shirt. Surprise, surprise. I'll probably be there again tomorrow. "orz

A couple of days ago I went to Aberdeen with the TAM TAM. I don't even remember what the hell we did. What I do remember is her saying
TAM: *pick up white board* So tempting . . . but so USELESS!
ME: Kinda like you. jks.
TAM: Do I TEMPT you?

Some douche-bagary from me today:
TAM: I should Ethan a T-shirt with an "F" on it.
ME: Why?
TAM: "F" for FAT.
ME: HAHAHA "Hey Ethan, I got a you a T-shirt with an "F" on it. "F" for fat. Got it in XXXL just to make sure it fits you."
TAM: Wow. I wouldn't even say that.

... Me neither, but this is the rude shiz that runs through my head. I CAN'T HELP IT. I WAS RAISED IN A DOUCHY FAMILIA! BTW, I didn't make that fat comment because it was Ethan, I made it in with the thought of fat person in mind . . . if that makes any sense. Douchy none the less, but if Ethan reads this, sorry. I'm just the type of person who likes to say "What if..."

Me and the Tam bought some stuff for Ash today. What I bought is EXCLUSIVE INFORMATION! We did get some chody pencils though. One for each Amershley MEMBER!

I had work yesterday. Originally, I was supposed to be off at 1am, but we were getting new cash registers. Instead, I got off at 10:30pm. It was so early, that I stayed around until 11pm. I'm glad I did, because Po brought in ice cream, and waffle cones. YUMMY! Mango sherbet, and chocolate ice cream. Garrick, one of the managers, accidentally dropped a bunch of muffins. It was pretty funny, because he was freaking out about a certain somebody seeing his mistake. It was just one mistake after another HAHAH! He's a nice guy though. With I had a big bro like him. Since we were closing early, there was a bunch of excess patties. I had myself a chicken burger (:

worked 2 grave yard shifts.

I bought two pairs of cons. Ash wing, and honey wing.

Err... what else do I have to say?


Thursday, June 24, 2010


Okay, I'm being a mall rat "orz
I'M THERE EVERY FREAKING DAY. I walked there and back today. Originally, I had intended on buying a shirt from Urban Behavior, but I didn't in the end. Instead, I left with an ice cream cone ($0.72), chips($4.50), salsa($3.50), and contact lens solution ($8.00). ARGH! I must learn how to save money. Usually, I would post pictures in my blog, but I save all my photos and videos on to my other computer. The one that has internet can't handle anymore data. And it takes so long to save photos from my cam to my hard drive. The only way I'll post pics is when I get photoshop on my new comp.

Err . . I'm bored:
I stole this from Athea

I avoid some people on purpose
I've cheated.
I've thought about cheating. (as Athea said, only on tests.)
I hate the way i look most of the time.
I actually like the way i look most of the time.
I've been swimming in an ocean.
ive been swimming in a lake. (can't swim ""orz)
I have siblings.
i have pet
ive been on vacation recently.
i love meeting new people.
i am insanely shy. (around people who are older than me)
im on a sports team.
i play music.
my best friend is a boy.
i dont remember the last time i mailed a letter.
i talk on the phone every night.
i drink milk almost every day.
I've kissed a good friend.
i like to read.
i like to watch tv.
i could care less about video games.
i hate my mom and dad.
ive had a crush on someone 5+ years older.
ive never asked someone out.
ive been asked out. indirectly. Judy's cousin . . . odd child.
i can touch my nose with my tongue.
i love pizza.
i actually love going grocery shopping.
i love to travel.
ive been to another continent.
i wish i had time to watch more movies.
i miss being a little kid.
ive been to a public pool recently.
summer is my favorite time of the year.
winter is my favorite time of the year. (I CAN HAVE TWO FAVES IF I WANT)
i have a favorite holiday.
i have a favorite holiday other than christmas. (is halloween a holiday?)
ive been to a concert recently.
i drive.
i have my own car.
my room is almost always messy.
im listening to music right now.
music helps me work.
the last person i texted was a boy.
i want a new phone really bad.
i secretly love cartoons.
i am dating someone.
the last thing i drank was water.
i used to play with barbies.
ive been to a carnival recently.
i know what syncopation is.
i need to charge my phone.
i have a huge crush on someone right now.
ive kissed someone within the last 24 hours.
im still in my pajamas.
ive hurt myself on purpose.
ive thrown up on purpose.
ive broken a bone.
ive eaten something weird. (dove liver. yum yum)
im an extremely picky eater.
ive been out to eat recently.
i love going to the mall.
i hate big groups.
i remember the last party i went to. (theatre after partayyyy)
im on the phone right now.
im watching tv right now.
im eating right now.
im on the phone, watching tv, and eating right now.
i need new clothes really bad.
my hair is up right now.
i need to shave my legs.
i remember the last time i went to the doctor.
i have braces.
i actually use my locker at school oh the memories ^_^
i am a senior!
i get good grades.
i have a facebook.
i spy with my little eye something that is green. brush for synthetic hair
i spy with my little eye something that is round earings
i spy with my little eye something that is broken. errr . . . hair band? it's all stretched out.
ive had surgery.
someone i know has died.
someone i know has had cancer.
its past my bedtime.
ive moved before
ive moved 4+ times. exactly 4, but I feel like bolding stuff out xD
ive gotten something removed. my braces?
i wish i had some money right now.
i actually got a stupid class ring.
im listening to someone talking right now.
i wish i could talk to the boy i like right now.
i love halloween.
i remember the last time i tripped.
i can see a picture of me from where im sitting.
i can see my reflection from where im sitting.
im kinda scared of the dark.
its hard to sleep with the door open.
its hard to sleep without a blanket.
its morning.
my ears are pierced.
my bellybutton is pierced.
i plan on going to college.
i plan on getting married.
i plan on having some kids.
i babysit.
i still get an allowance.
i curse a lot.
i got so drunk last night.
ive been to a wedding recently.
ive met someone special on vacation.
i have an accent.
im completely white.
i know someone whos homeschooled.
i know someone in a band.
i can sing really well.
i can dance really well.
ive never slow danced with anyone.
i suck at spelling.
i suck at math.
i recycle.
i am pro-choice.
i know some rednecks.
i want to get a tattoo.
i want to get a new piercing.
i miss an ex.
i still love an ex.
ive slapped someone.
ive punched someone
i can play the guitar.
i can speak another language. I was gonna type them out in the native language, but I suck at written: mando, french, japanese.
i am fluent in another language. canto . . . but it kinda sucks
i can play the piano.
my house has more than three bedrooms.
ive been told that i cant dance.
im a cheerleader.
i have a sweet tattoo.
i have a sweet facial piercing.
i need to practice something.
i believe in god.
i want to go to mexico.
ive traveled across the country.
i live on the east coast.
i went to the beach last summer.
i remember the last time i was insanely sunburned.
i like to waste time. like right now :)
i like to sleep.
i think im going to get asked out soon.
i dont remember the last dream i had.
i think smoking is gross.
my mom fixed the last meal i had. (gao zi, and then I had notchos after "orz)
ive never gotten my nails done.
i should be doing homework STUDYING right now.
ive lived in another country.
im adopted.
i love sappy movies.
i love horror movies.
i love musicals.
ive seen a broadway show.
the last person i hugged was my mom/dad.
all of my grandparents are alive.
people tell me that im short.
sometimes my socks dont match.
i cant wait til my birthday.
im a procrastinator.
im not like everyone else.
i like strawberries.
i like thunderstorms. (AS LONG AS I'M INDOORS :D )
im an optimist.
i am really self-conscious.
i love when boys hold doors open.
ive kissed 2+ people in one day.
i bite my nails.
i smoke.
ive been caught doing drugs.
ive been caught cheating.
i havent been to disney world.
ive passed out from drinking.
i get angry easily. > <;;
i hate most girls.
i love getting new shoes.
i hate chinese food.
ive been in love before.
ive been cheated on.
i straighten my hair more often than i should.
im a virgin.
ive been to a funeral this year.
i am insanely hungry right now.
i should probably do something productive now.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pile on the home work

FYI, the school year is going to end in just under two weeks (that's excluding the upcoming EXAM week). As much as I would like to dream about the joys of summer, I'm far too busy drowning in the gargantuan mounds of school work my teachers have decided to assign. Apparently I had a SS assignment that was due today, but I had NOTHING to hand in. No notes, no title page, no nothing! This has grown to be a rare occasion during my high school career. Luckily, my SS teacher isn't too strict about late assignments. She'll give a good loud warning, but she doesn't dock marks, thank goodness.

My socials class (it's fun when there isn't a pen in your hand):

My English teacher's late policy costed me a wopping 50% of my project. Did I mention that this mark docking happened on the day of my BIRTHDAY! Do you have any idea as to how IMMENSELY BUMMED OUT I WAS?! Not only had I pulled an all nighter, but my teacher punishes me with a mark that could potential risk A+?!
Just so you know, I've gone from 97% to 86%
My overall average for the year is now 84%, a B
I don't blame my teacher for anything. She has her rules; Simple as that. What I was angery about, however, was that fact that my mother told me I would not get a new computer until I GRADUATED from HIGH SCHOOL. Does she have any idea as to how many marks that would cost me?! DOES SHE UNDERSTAND THE PURE AGONY I GO THROUGH EVERYTIME I TURN ON THIS PIECE OF JUNK?! Although my mother doesn't know smack about what RAM is, she does understand that small numbers in school are a bad sign. I, without hesatation, informed my mom about the tragic 12/24 I got on my English assignment. Words wouldn't persuade her much, but I was bawling my eyes out. That was enough to get her attention.

Mom: We'll get a you a new computer this weekend.
Me: *sob* okay.
[next day]
Mom: I hired a guy to fix your computer

So the dude comes and does enough digital magic for me to save my project. He tells my mom that my turdy computer wasn't enough to handle photo or video editing, and that it was best I get a new comp..

Computer guy: I usually don't tell people to get new computers, seeing as how most of my clients have kids who have gaming problems. If your daughter wants to persue illustrating or video editing, I think you should support that.

Thank you, mister Computer Guy.

My after school life is DEAD! My entire week will be spent in the dark, dreadful confinements of the school auditorium. "What are you doing there?" you may ask. I'm in theatre company, and the school play is going to be on at the end of this week. "Rather late in the year for a school play." I agree, but my class has gone through a tornado of different teachers. It's hard to stay on task without guidance.

Today, we did a dress rehersal for the first cast (we were double casted). It ran for the LONGEST time. Many actors forgot their lines, which was slightly awkward. I don't blame them; Sometimes it's hards to juggle everything.
Instead of discussing the troubles the crew has been having, let's take a look at our aged actresses.

Here's Lenya, getting her 42-year-old makeup on.

Might not be able to see, but Magistrate is rocking out her I'm-79-now look.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I feel really bad for totally breaking down at the end of the day. I just couldn't manage everything around me, and flipped out. It's been a long time since the lasted time I've yelled at anybody in school. I wasn't even messing with anybody's head, I just freaked out. No witty comments, well thought out remarks, or (at the very least) decent arguments. Just a moment of rage. Ugh . . . . how embarrassing. At all the same time, it seems so out of character for me not to lash out.

I need to breathe.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Birthday Breakfast

Okay, so it's not my birthday . . . yet, but I saw something pretty awesome today. I didn't bring my camera, so I couldn't take a picture. I did some google searchin', and this is what I saw today:
I saw two of those old fashioned buses in front of a Purdy's Chocolate factory. I thought It would still be there after I ate, but it was gone T_____T The colours looked really cute. All pastel and prettyful.

On Thursday, my evening was ruined by three little brown kids. No. I'm not trying to be racist. It was quite literally ruined by three little brown kids. I'll probably make a video about that during the warmer months C:

Photo does NOT belong to me: Source

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fueled on Rage

My English teacher wants to keep my poetry assignment. I'm not too fond of that idea, seeing as how I would like to keep it for wall art. The pink wall in my room are rather bare. Eight objects hang on my wall; I have four certificates, one calender, a poster (Rozen Maiden), and a smiley face thing from my b-day. It sounds like a decently long list, but it seems lacking. I'm going to tape up my other 3 certificates. I don't like having loose paper on my desk D< When your angry, you'll say and do things without thinking. We're all guilty of it. This will be insanely hypocritical of me to say, but complainers are some of the biggest . . . "unthoughtful" people. I was talking to my friend today, and she was telling me about this creep in our class who is "desperately in love" with her. I use the work creep, because this stalker claims to jack off to the thought of my buddy. My friend says that he hates him, but I get the idea that Mr. Creep's name comes up more than often in her everyday conversations (not for sure, but let's assume it does). Me: If you hate him so much, just ignore him. You're giving him your attention, which translates to GIVING HIM WHAT HE WANTS. Friend: I know! I try, but . . .UGH. Me: Just try to completely forget about this dude (even though he goes to our school). It's not going to do you any good to think about him. Don't waste time being flustered, just forget . . . "Do not despise the racketeer. Instead despise the his sport" No. That wasn't relevant. JOSEPH DUCREUX!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Welcome back, Mr. J.

FYI, I had block rotations yesterday. I don't know if the same term is used in every school, but I think it's pretty self explanatory. Block rotations just mean that you get your classes during a different hour . . . sorta like Lord Townshed's crop rotation! YAY FOR EDUCATION :|

Lucky for me, I was walking to class with Anita. I was so close to walking to the wrong classroom. Which has happened on more than one occasion = =;; Last year, block rotations totally slipped my mind, and I stepped into my science classroom. It was insanely embarrassing!
There is a rule that I apply to life: never turn directly around in public.
Why? You're at high risk of bumping into somebody, you'll have made it obvious that you're walking in the wrong direction, and it just looks plain awkward. Now imagine being forced to do a 180° while a class of what appears to be eleventh graders and giving you the omg-she's-so-awkward look. Not fun.

To the CORRECT Classroom

So Anita guided me up stairs to S.S., and away from science. I had a test/quiz today. I thought it was rather easy, seeing as how most of the multiple choice answers were
d) all the above
As for some of the open ended questions . . . I forgot what were some of the main occupations that available to women during the industrial revolution.
textiles factories, servants/maids, and. . . . and . . . factory workers? ;___;
Cmon, 2/3 isn't THAT bad ¬ ¬"
I'm pretty confident that I didn't fail though.

She BEAT Me?
Mrs. K is gone, and Mr. Jung is back! This means I have a chance to pull up my mark to a high B, or a low A :'D THANK YOU BABY JESUS! I had a test last class, and I'm not going to lie, I didn't understand half the questions that were one it. I got that test back today . . .74% I think I got something like 48.5/65
Another girl in my class got 60/65. Now, I don't mean to be rude, but ever since the student teacher was here, it seemed as if the smart lost their heads, and the . . . not so smart developed genius minds. This girl that I speak of doesn't finish her homework assignments, and just doesn't come off to me as somebody who would achieve good grades. Then again, Ash never pays attention in class, and she gets straight As. No joke. She could be drawing a detail comic book and understand everything discussed in class . . . math class that is.


During textiles, a group of people kept gossiping about relationship, and blah blah blah. It got somewhat annoying after a while. I had this urge to scream "SHUT UP!", but I don't say that unless I know you very well, or you've pushed me over the edge.

Productive: 6/10 . . . or 3/5. Whatever suits your fancy.

For the timed laps, Allison came before me today. I just didn't feel the motivation to run past her today. Not to mention the cold weather D;

Soccer isn't very fun in my class. Everybody just crowds around the ball, and when somebody gets possession of the ball, they just kick it in any which direction. /sigh
Not fun.
I just ended up singing "Baby" with Nisha.

"Shut up"

If you didn't know, singing is a hobby of mine. Before you ask, I'm a very mediocre singer, don't expect too much out of me. (I'm mediocre at everything: Singing, Chinese, drawing, etc.)
I have a friend who seems to dislike me (actually, it's just her personality). Perhaps it's because I can't pick up her crude sense of humour, but she's becoming easy to dislike. You'd think maybe you friends would wait for you after class, but she doesn't do this. "Maybe it's because she wants to go home for lunch.", but going home for lunch never stopped my friend, Lana, from waiting for me. To be honest, I find it rude. Call me a hypocrite for saying this, but not waiting makes a person seem self centered, yenno? "My time is too important to waste on you."

As I said earlier, I enjoy singing . . . in public (It makes public speaking easier, just in case you wanted to know.) 90% of the time I start singing, she tells me "Shut up". Not only when I'm singing, but essentially whenever I open my mouth. When I first met her in elementary, she came off as a timid and ladylike (wun yew opposite of cho lo) type of girl. I talk to her in HS, and she turns out to be a foul mouth D;

I'll never tell her, or anybody else, that I don't appreciate their use of language. Let's be honest, cussing doesn't make you sound anymore smart or civil. Some people have a certain persona in swearing just looks natural, others just sound odd.

Overall, just don't swear. You don't want to make the habit of swearing like a trucker at your next interview.

← The ladylike scale. Least being on the top, and post ladylike on the bottom. :B
(Amershly ft. Buttercup)

I started on the line art for the poster project D:


Friday, April 9, 2010

My arms get cold

LALALALAL! I'm going to make up for what I didn't post yesterday.

If you didn't know, I've desperately been wanting to make an order from elf. Unfortunately, they only take instant payments (like any other company). I wanted to go down to Shoppers Drug Mart
(sp?) to get a gift card thing . . . which is like a prepaid debit. I would have bought it, but I forgot that there was a $7 activation fee >___> I wasn't willing to dish out that much money on the spot, so I went over to Safeway with A-tard. We both got two donuts, but the 'tard got lucky~ Her total rang up to $0.79.

HURR?! I guess that lady didn't see the second donut. I wasn't quite as lucky, and had to pay the whole price. Oh well, what evs :B I really wanted to eat my donut, but I had to hold the umbrella.

Me: Where are we going?
AS: My first face trade
Me: Ooh. . . what did you get?
AS: Some korean cream. Save 2 dollars.

I didn't mind waitng, because waiting undercover made for the perfect opportunity to eat my chocolate coated, sprinkled, deep fried piece of dough > < style="font-style: italic;">bad etiquette. As I lost the feeling of my right arm, Anita and I started talking about the Holocaust. I warn you now, and conversation between two idiots about history with go nowhere.

Anita: Did the Holocaust take place in Spain?
Me: What? ¬ ¬;; Didn't it mainly take place in Germany?
Anita: . . .I don't know.

This conversation took a very odd turn.

Anita: It's so stupid. Hitler kills a bunch of people, and commits suicide.
Me: Really?
Anita: Yeah. They should have chopped up his body, and fed it to the Jews. "Ooh~♪ You have Hitler's blood running through your veins~♪"
We laughed so hard after that.


It's killing me! My science grade dropped by 25%! I'm not the only one, almost everyone else from my class has come to the same fate. You may be wondering why grades in my class are dropping faster than doggy doo doo. My science class took a student teacher in.


I know that it would be unrealistic and time consuming to create a class room stimulation, but why make us students suffer? It's bad enough to have clueless substitutes on the rare occasion, but to have a student teacher for a month?! Is this a flipping joke?! I'm just sad that my science teacher didn't take any note of the fact that grades where going ↓ I don't think anybody was failing before.

I remember having a student teacher last year. I don't remember his name, but he was my social's teacher for a couple of classes. Awful. I simply can't find any other word to describe this flamboyant man. Luckily, he failed something and was kicked out. Horray!


Err . . . theatre probably won't be too happy that I post these here, but as long as the parents don't lay their eyes on these it should be fine.

This is my partner in crime. For what? Do the math.
I don't think she was too fond of taking a picture, but I need MEMORIES of this class.
I won't be going back next year. I need some more
music in my life . . . in the form of CHOIR!

People were testing out the stethoscope. I thought it was just a prop ^___^;;

Birthday Gift

Where I live, a wave of blossoms have already come
and gone. It made me sad, because blossoms are one of my favourite things during my b-day.
Most petals have already fallen off the delicate little flowers, and I
thought I wouldn't get the beautiful gift of nature.
(↓ loving new cam)
Hanging On

I totally forgot that the big poofy blossoms bloom later :B
YAY! Maybe they'll last until my BDAY! OHOHOHO!

-pk ♥


ARGH! I don't think I'll be able to blog about my day today. I'll get that done tomorrow ^___^

Just a quick update, I'm going to be making a video on public speaking. I've filmed it, I just have to edit.


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Late night entries - work

They are NOT taking commissions.
The art department of my school is far too busy to create a poster for theatre company.

If you didn't know, I'm in Junior Theatre Company. Believe it or not, this mediocre actress was thrown into this class. Why? I think there weren't enough people for a full class. To put it quite simply, I'm an extra in this classroom scene. As I said, nobody is willing to do the poster. What does this innovative class do? They get the theatre kids to do it, and I was one of those kids. Although the workless block is quite enjoyable, I'd much rather feel productive. You might be wondering who my partner in crime is for the project. Well, I'll tell you; Her name is Nicole, and she's in Athena (that's basically a program that adds 10% more artistic goodess to your hardy school day). I'd tell you more, but I hear that her mother is quite paranoid when it comes to personal info and the internet.

You know what sucks? Practicing badminton with somebody who is really bad, and laughs at every mistake they make. I don't like that. I also don't like people who are very good at something, but have no personality . . . no friendly personality. Don't ask why this popped into my head, it just did.

I'd hate to be a b*itch, but I'd like to make some commentary on Nicoles working habits. Err. . . she's a free spririt? A couple classes ago, I wanted to sit down with her, and discuss what should be on the poster. Without a doubt, I want it done and over with, but not rushed; Quality work. I try to sit her down a coupld of times, but she runs off . . . playing games? I don't blame her, half he class was playing soccer. When I did get her to sit, she tells me she's bored. BORED! I realize that not everything is going to run according to plan, but she was BORED?! Bored when I asked her for ideas? ;______; I never felt so rejected in my life . . . asided from being told that McD's wasn't hiring.

I feel somewhat afraid to here what Nicole's reaction will be when she sees what I've done to the "character design".

1. I drew out a rough sketch of a body.
2. Nicole block in some clothes
3. I bring it home and clean it up . . . :D maybe a bit too much (love you, Nicole *sweat*)

Something else that just popped into my head: Fancy tools don't make for a fancy product. I was tallking to my friend, Angela. She said there was a girl in her class who was . . . cocky I'm guessing, because she had a nice camera. I'm not sure how good she was at photography, but the latest digicam will do you NO good if you don't know where to point it. It's knowledge that make these tools magic. It's 1am now. . . .

I might be half owl, or some shiz D;
hoot hoot ~ ♥

note to self: look over leadership handouts, and build on peolple skills >___>